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• <br /> City of Pleasanton Recycled Water Project <br /> CEQA Addendum <br /> (2) Significant effects previously examined will be substantially more severe than shown <br /> in the IS/MND; or <br /> (3) Mitigation measures or alternatives previously found not to be feasible would in fact <br /> be feasible and would substantially reduce one or more significant effects of the project, <br /> but the project proponents decline to adopt the mitigation measure or alternative; or that <br /> (4) Mitigation measures or alternatives which are considerably different from those <br /> analyzed in the IS/MND would substantially reduce one or more significant effects on the <br /> environment, but the project proponents decline to adopt the mitigation measure or <br /> alternative. <br /> If the answer to any of the above questions (C) through (E) for the incremental impacts of the <br /> project change is `Yes,' then the preparation of a subsequent or supplemental IS/MND or an EIR <br /> could be required. However, if the additional analysis completed as part of this Addendum finds <br /> that the applicable conclusions of the IS/MND remain the same and no new significant impacts <br /> are identified, or identified environmental impacts are not found to be more severe, or additional <br /> "considerably different" mitigation unacceptable to the proponent is not necessary, then the <br /> question would be answered `No' and no supplemental or subsequent IS/MND or EIR is required. <br /> (E) Are Prior Mitigation Measures Sufficient for Addressing Any New Potential <br /> Changes or Impacts <br /> This column indicates whether the prior environmental documents provide mitigation measures to <br /> address effects in the related impact category. In some cases, the mitigation measures have <br /> already been implemented. A "yes" response will be provided in either instance. If"NA" is <br /> indicated, this Addendum concludes that the impact does not occur with this project change and <br /> therefore no mitigation measures are needed. <br /> (F) Discussion and Mitigation Section <br /> IS/MND Discussion <br /> A discussion of the relevant portions of the IS/MND is provided under each environmental <br /> category in order to clarify the answers. The discussion provides information about the <br /> IS/MND's treatment of the particular environmental issue and the status of any mitigation <br /> measure that the IS/MND required or that has already been implemented. <br /> IS/MND Mitigation Measures <br /> Applicable mitigation measures from the IS/MND that apply to the project are listed under each <br /> environmental category. <br /> Project Change Discussion <br /> A discussion of the environmental impacts, if any, of the revised pipeline alignment under the <br /> standards established by CEQA Guidelines section 15162(a) for each environmental resources <br /> section or category. <br /> December 2014 3-2 <br />