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City of Pleasanton Recycled Water Project <br /> CEQA Addendum <br /> Chapter 3 Environmental Analysis <br /> This chapter evaluates the potential for the proposed pipeline alignment changes to have new significant <br /> impacts on the environment that were not previously addressed in the IS/MND, substantially more severe <br /> environmental impacts than were addressed in the IS/MND or trigger the new information standards <br /> stated in CEQA Guideline section 15162. The purpose of this review is to evaluate the categories in terms <br /> of any "changed condition" (i.e. changed circumstances, project changes, or new information of <br /> substantial importance) that may result in a changed environmental result. A determination that no such <br /> changed condition exists does not necessarily mean that the overall project will have no potential impacts <br /> in an environmental category, but that the change to the Project will result in a reduction or no change in <br /> the condition or status of the impact since it was analyzed and addressed with mitigations in the IS/MND. <br /> 3.1 Explanation of Environmental Review Process <br /> Table 3 evaluates any potential environmental impacts from the construction and operation of the <br /> proposed pipeline alignment changes with the environmental impacts of the original pipeline alignment as <br /> discussed in the IS/MND. This comparative analysis has the following elements, which are the basis for <br /> the discussion in Table 3 below: <br /> (A) Were the Impact(s) were Analyzed in the IS/MND? <br /> This column provides a cross-reference to the pages of the IS/MND where information and <br /> analysis may be found relative to the environmental issue listed under each topic. <br /> (B) What were the Environmental Impact Conclusions in the IS/MND? <br /> This column provides a summary of the original environmental impact conclusions for <br /> implementing the Proposed Project in the IS/MND. <br /> (C) Do Proposed Changes Involve New Significant Impacts or Substantially More <br /> Severe Impacts? <br /> Pursuant to Section 15162(a)(1) of the CEQA Guidelines, this column indicates whether the new <br /> pipeline alignments that are part of the proposed project change will result in new significant <br /> impacts that have not already been considered and mitigated by the IS/MND or a substantial <br /> increase in the severity of a previously identified significant impact. <br /> (D) Any New Circumstances Involving New Significant Impacts or Substantially More <br /> Severe Impacts? <br /> Pursuant to Section 15162(a)(2) of the CEQA Guidelines, this column indicates whether there <br /> have been changes to the circumstances under which the project is being undertaken which have <br /> occurred subsequent to the City's adoption of the IS/MND that would result in the revised <br /> pipeline facilities having new significant environmental impacts that were not considered in the <br /> IS/MND or that substantially increase the severity of a previously identified significant impact. <br /> (E) Any New Information Requiring New Analysis or Verification? <br /> Pursuant to Section 15162(a)(3)(A-D) of the CEQA Guidelines, this column indicates whether <br /> new information of substantial importance which was not known and could not have been known <br /> with the exercise of reasonable diligence at the time the City adopted the IS/MND is available <br /> requiring an update to the analysis of the IS/MND because the new information shows that: <br /> (1) The project will have one or more significant effects not discussed in the IS/MND; or <br /> December 2014 3-1 <br />