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a Crowe Horwath. <br /> Mr. Steven Bocian Page 11 <br /> December 2, 2014 <br /> The franchise agreement between the City and PGS states that the annual rate of return on equity shall <br /> not be less than 8 percent or more than 16 percent of the equity base. The calculation for CY 2013 and <br /> CY 2014 is set at 8 percent of the equity base. <br /> In its Application, PGS included a calculation for profit based on the operating ratio methodology. PGS set <br /> the profit level equal to an operating ratio of 90 percent. This had the effect of increasing PGS's profit <br /> from 2014 to 2015 by $578,264(an over 40 percent increase in profit). We are disallowing this profit <br /> increase based on the fact that the OR method was intended to be used in conjunction with other agreed <br /> upon rate setting elements specified in the City's draft rate setting methodology, including full inclusion of <br /> the CART recycling revenues in the ratebase, and treatment of related party transactions such that they <br /> are allocated to the City using an agreed upon method.We did allow a CPI escalation on the ROE profit <br /> level from 2014, consistent with the treatment of all other expenses presented in the Application. <br /> Impact(s): <br /> Reduction in CY 2015 expense by$535,760. <br /> 5. Recommended Rate Change <br /> Accounting for the aforementioned adjustments, Crowe recommends a 3.26 percent increase as shown in <br /> Attachment B. <br /> 6. Comparative Rate Survey <br /> Crowe compared PGS rates to the rates charged by similar nearby jurisdictions. The analysis <br /> reveals that Pleasanton ratepayers pay, in general, above market rates (see Attachment A). <br /> In the residential sector, City ratepayers subscribing to a 32-gallon cart pay a 13.78 percent <br /> higher rate than the regional average. However, ratepayers subscribing to a 96-gallon cart pay a <br /> rate significantly lower than the regional average, by a margin of 46.64 percent. In the <br /> commercial sector, City ratepayers pay rates between 20 and 27 percent higher than the <br /> regional average. In the industrial (debris box) sector, City ratepayers pay rates somewhat <br /> higher than the regional average, by a margin of 5.47 percent. <br /> r » * <br /> • <br /> We appreciate the contribution of City management and your input and direction on this rate <br /> setting project. We also thank PGS management for its timely responses to our data requests. If <br /> you have any questions regarding this report, please call Erik Nylund at (415) 230-4963 in San <br /> Francisco. <br /> Very truly yours, <br /> Crowe Horwath LLP <br />