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A Crowe Horvath <br /> Mr. Steven Bocian Page 10 <br /> December 2, 2014 <br /> Regulatory Costs <br /> PGS' CY 2015 regulatory cost estimate reflects a CPI increase of 3.00 percent in the per ton dumping <br /> cost(increase from $39.23 to $40.41 per ton)and per ton tipping cost (increase from $25.00 to$25.75 <br /> per ton). We found these escalations reasonable. <br /> For our calculation, we used estimates for CY 2015 tonnages based on CY 2013 disposal data (75,081 <br /> tons) and tips data (3,746) provided in detailed supporting schedules by PGS. Based on the difference in <br /> tons and tips from those in the Application we project total dumping and tipping costs of$3,130,258 as <br /> opposed to the$3,149,167 figure presented in the Application. If we reduce this figure by the <br /> Dump/Tip/Diversion figure of$675,730, our adjustment to Regulatory Costs is$14,870 ($2,469,397 less <br /> $2,454,527). <br /> Impact(s): <br /> ❑ Reduction in CY 2015 expense by$14,870. <br /> City Franchise Fee <br /> Based on the other adjustments in this report, franchise fees also must be adjusted. Franchise fees are <br /> set at two (2) percent of collection revenues. <br /> Impact(s): <br /> 7] Reduction in CY 2015 expense by$10,840. <br /> City Consultant Cost <br /> We added a line item for City consultants equal to$35,000 per year. <br /> Impact(s): <br /> [1 Increase in CY 2015 expense by$35,000. <br /> Operating Ratio/Return on Equity <br /> Exhibit A of the franchise agreement provides the following guidance on the return on equity: <br /> "The annual return on equity(ROE)is defined as the difference between franchise <br /> revenue and allowable franchise expenses. Franchise expenses shall include corporate <br /> taxes calculated at prevailing California and Federal tax rates, and shall include <br /> expenses and reserves established in accordance with the provisions of Paragraph <br /> 18.2(d), (e), (f), and (g)of the Agreement. The ROE shall be determined annually <br /> covering a twelve (12) month fiscal year ending each March 31. <br /> The minimum and maximum ROE limitations shall be as specified in Paragraph 182(e). <br /> When the annual ROE is greater than the maximum ROE limitation,the excess revenues <br /> over and above the maximum limitations shall be held in a reserve to defray future rate <br /> increases. When the resulting annual ROE is less than the minimum ROE limitation, the <br /> deficiency in revenues shall be recoverable from future timely rate increases, and/or from <br /> reserves (if any) set up to defray future rate increases." <br />