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The borehole for MP-I was terminated at a depth of 29.5 feet below ground surface (BGS), <br /> while the borehole for MP-2 was terminated at a depth of 17 feet BGS. These termination depths <br /> coincide to app-.oximately 15 feet below the proposed building pads. Findings from the soil <br /> sampling program revealed soil profiles consisting of sandy silt and silt with sand units at both <br /> locations. Based on the relatively unifomi and fine-grained nature of the underlying soils,single <br /> probes were installed at both locations. The probes were constructed of 1-inch diameter, <br /> Schedule 40 polyvinyl chloride (PVC) slotted (0.02-ioch machine slot) and blank casing. The <br /> slotted intervals for MP-1 and MP-2 were placed from 16.5 to 26.5 feet BGS and eight to 17 feet <br /> BGS, respectively. Coarse sand (#3) was placed around the slotted intervals, followed by <br /> hydrated bentonite chips to within approximately two feet of ground surface. The upper two feet <br /> of the boreholes were backfilted with compacted soil. The tops of the probe casings at ground <br /> surface were fitted with labcock valves to facilitate monitoring. Please refer to the soil boring <br /> logs in Appendix B for graphic illustrations of the probe construction characteristics. <br /> The probes were allowed to stabilize for one week after installation, whereupon a monitoring <br /> event was performed by EBA on October 18,2012. The monitoring event encompassed initially' <br /> measuring static pressure conditions using a Magriehelic pressure gauge, followed by purging <br /> one probe volume equivalent from each probe. Methane, carbon dioxide and oxygen <br /> concentrations were measured during the course of purging using the RK1 Eagle Series portable <br /> methane meter. A final reading was also measured upon conclusion of the purging process. The <br /> corresponding data was recorded on a field data sheet. A copy of the field data sheet is enclosed <br /> in Appendix C. <br /> RESULTS AND FINDINGS ' <br /> Findings from the monitoring activities performed during the course of drilling and one week <br /> following the probe installation revealed no indications of methane being present on the Property <br /> in the areas of the proposed building pads. Since the Landfill has existed for over 60 years, <br /> sufficient time has elapsed to allow for LFG to migrate into the area, if such conditions were <br /> going to occur. Thus,the absence of methane negates this concern_ Other variables that should <br /> provide ongoing protection include the fine-grained nature of the soils underlying the building <br /> pads and the fact that active LFG collection is currently performed at the Landfill and will <br /> continue as such for the foreseeable future. Based on these circumstances,further assessment of <br /> potential LFG migration issues associated with the proposed development is not considered <br /> warranted. <br /> RECOMMENDATIONS <br /> Since findings from the investigation confirmed the absence of LFG in the area of the proposed <br /> building pads, provisions should be made to properly destroy the LFG monitoring points under <br /> permit from the Zone 7 Water Agency. A rotary auger drill rig should be used to remove the <br /> probe casing and annular materials (i.e., sand and bentonite chips). Upon removal of these <br /> materials,the boreholes should be backfilled with neat cement but in accordance with Zone 7 <br /> Lpmpect,19691,PaparttRepert 10 13 11 aix 2 <br /> E " ) <br />