Job No. 1806.101A
<br /> Tract 7399-Parcels 1 and 2
<br /> Pleasanton,California
<br /> Test Pit Depth
<br /> Number (feet) Description
<br /> TP-8 0-2 Conglomerate, light to medium gray-brown, moist, hard/very dense,
<br /> gravel and cobbles in sandy clay matrix. "Livermore Gravels"
<br /> Total Depth 2 feet
<br /> No free groundwater encountered
<br /> TP-9 0- 1 Silty Clay,brown, dry,stiff,trace fine-grained sand.
<br /> 1 -2 Silty Clay, brown, moist, stiff, trace fine-grained sand, trace fine gravel,
<br /> faint blocky ped structure.
<br /> 2-4 Conglomerate, red-brown, highly weathered, friable, coarse-grained
<br /> sand matrix, matrix supported, matrix: gravel = 60:40, rounded gravel up
<br /> to 1/2 inch,channeled basal contact. "Livermore Gravels"
<br /> 4-6 Siltstone tan-brown, highly weathered, friable, moderately to highly
<br /> fractured.
<br /> Total Depth 6 feet
<br /> No free groundwater encountered
<br /> TP-10 0 1'/2 Silty Clay,brown;dry,stiff.
<br /> 1'/2-2'/z Silty Clay,brown, moist,stiff,trace fine-grained sand,trace fine gravel.
<br /> 2%-5% Conglomerate, red-brown, highly weathered, friable, coarse-grained
<br /> sand matrix,clast supported,matrix:gravel=40:60,rounded gravel up to
<br /> 1'/2 inch "Livermore Gravels."
<br /> Total Depth 5%feet.
<br /> No free groundwater encountered
<br /> TP-11. .. 0-3% Silty Clay, brown, dry, stiff, porous, trace fine-grained sand, trace fine
<br /> gravel.
<br /> 3%-6% Silty Clay, brown, dry to moist, very stiff, trace to some rounded fine to
<br /> coarse gravel,trace fine-grained sand.
<br /> 6%-9 Conglomerate, brown to red-brown, highly weathered, friable, coarse-
<br /> grained sand matrix, matrix to clast supported, matrix: gravel = 50:50,
<br /> rounded fine to coarse gravel "Livermore Gravels."
<br /> Total Depth 9 feet
<br /> No free groundwater encountered
<br /> Hard excavation in Livermore Gravels due to interlocking gravel.
<br /> U:\@@ @Public\1-Pleasanton\1806 Silver Oaks\101 A Parcels 1 and 2\242587P.doc Plate 4
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