bl.~e.:r conslCOrln¢ the inter'it r&te or
<br /> zf~ed on ~h,-¢-r~ o.~e .... m_ ~ny. The hzga~¢t
<br /> xc.! be ~' t~xxneC :~y ..educting the ~r~o~mt o~ the
<br /> (if reV) fro~ tho toR'l also,mt of. ~nter~t ,:.hich the To~'D of
<br /> Pla ssnton "auld be requ%red to ual fron the dire of s':ia
<br /> iu the bis, and th,e ~rard 'ill be ;;~;de on the os{zs cz the lo,:est
<br /> he, interest cost to the To-n of Ple&' antom. The lo' ~o~ nPt interet
<br /> coso shPll }e oor.t}ut~ bs~t~ een the dates ~for.'s~.i{:
<br /> ~o~c !c. oon~ int-,re~t t~ o1.~.: . "fha ~urcn s,':r ':mat ~.y [ccrueo inter-
<br /> .,~ s~ of ~he b to th ~. of c:ell~r{'N.r, zn. c~.t O~
<br />~ .rintinS the corns , zl! ~ ~orme }y t;ae ~o n.
<br />
<br />· ne ~o.n of P1, nton re~, r~ tn~ r~ho, in its
<br />.~or.o~on, to re~ect ony .~n._ ~,11 oz..s ~n~ to
<br />'siva ~ny zrr~ol:~ o~ or z..~or~ lity in any bid.
<br />
<br /> ~,~e. llac City Council of the Torn of PI.:, s~,n~un ~'ill t&:ke
<br />
<br /> not later 'than 26 hours sft,~r -~he {x}~rr;tzon of
<br />the ti~:~e herein ~}rescribed for the receiat of ~r,o}ss~ls: }}ro,.4d~d
<br />
<br />hi ~rltl~{~ O= t~.~~ ~ltn~.r~%,~l o= .,u~,h ,~ro~o~,~l.
<br />
<br /> ' ~ "+,~ Tre' nL]F"r 1R'
<br />iul mluder at ?he ,.~filce o. on_ ~1 ,~s _
<br />the To n of Pless~ton, To',n of Plo s&A..,n, ~l~i~eda
<br /> ~ 1 ....... , 88 SO)Il c : 'ills 00i%0S can
<br />
<br />RIGHT OF The successful bidderooh,:l~, have me ri~nt, ~.,; hl~
<br />,~s~.~ELL~.~IOh. o)tiol, to cra!eel the ~,~,r+~-~e Ol ,J~,~, ~ ii ~h~
<br />To-~ of Plccs~nton {fa' 11 i'ril to ~e:~,der She bonds
<br />:for Jell,toryon or be_icrc September 18, , l~j~, &iiCi ill such
<br />~vemt the succes~ ful i~i60¥i: aliYI]l 0e m~2-itlec ~o re'turf, of the
<br />deposit scco:'>anyin hit b~d.
<br />
<br />..... or not less ?hah
<br />~O!C: OF BID: All bids must be unconditio:lzl~ ~-
<br /> {~11 off the'~,~',nc~ hereby o~'[:r c' for ,"1~; ~nd for
<br /> ~; on the )'r w~lue zn~uceo! gn~ ~ccrued
<br />lnt~r.~ t~ ~te~ of ~ ~ . ~ . n ~ h .
<br />:u~t be ~mdosec in ~: sea, led envelooe sdcre~,:ed to the City Council
<br />the Tm'n of P1 ~s~nton snc e~. ,r~e~ P~o~o~t for To, n bf Plor:s-
<br />snton 195S I srove~,'ut Bonds."
<br />
<br /> BIL ~HaCK: .',_tn e,~ch bic ~,' o' . ~.,rti.i,a c.heck
<br /> or csshier'{: check for
<br /> OeP- . ,~r ~ru.,:,
<br />
<br />e~tir.mte of the total n t iht re~t c-at to the Tou'~ on the bcsi~; of
<br />their re~;~cc~ive bios, ~hich till bo con i ~r.~d ?t i.;formztive only
<br />and J;~ot hinting ;~J~ ~ither the bidder or th~ To'm. Checks of the un-
<br />st~cc~s~3 .............. 1 'i~d=rs .ill '~ r~'~t,n~e,~ if' ~h~, ?o,m. -)p~ .~,ail u~)on the
<br />~ .,.zc, o= ~he Dun ..... o
<br />m~:c< Dy the suoces i'ul bidder.
<br />
<br />
<br />