~TURITIF~: Said bonds shall mature and be payable in consecutive
<br /> numerical order, from lower to higher, as follows, to-wit:
<br /> 000 rinci al amount of such bonds sha.ll
<br /> matur; ;nd b~ payable o~^~th.e~ 15~t~h_~day_o.f_J~nlYcllus~ive.
<br /> each of the years ~rom l~b~ sO l~b~J, DO1;I1 S
<br />
<br /> mature and be pay~.~le on ~the 15.th~day~ o,f, July. .
<br /> each of the years from 19o9 to 19bO, oo~n lnc~us~ve.
<br /> $5,000 principal amo,u~ t o~f.~suqh ben. ds, .sh~l
<br /> mature and b~ paysb~le
<br /> each of the years item l~bY SO l~Yl, Ool;n inclusive.
<br /> $6,000 principal ~mo~t ~o[. ~uc~h ben. ds,
<br /> mature and be paysJsle on ~ne lbtn say O~ eu~y ~n
<br /> each of the years from 1972 to 1977, both inclusive.
<br /> ~ $7,000 princioal amount of such bonds shell
<br /> m~.ture and be payable on the 15th day of July, 1978.
<br />
<br />Interest Rate: ~aximum four_(4) per centum,. ~e.r a~1,,SW4 payable semi-
<br /> '' s mually on ~anusr¥_ 15th auc. ~uiy l~n in eac~ year.
<br />~ m,~t ~.nifv the rate of interest which the, .bqnd,.s_h~ereby ofle_red
<br />for sable shall bear. B~dders w~ll be p,e.rmtte~d.,to o~9 a.~,.~er ,
<br />
<br />one-quarter of one per centum p pay
<br />REGISTHATIOIt: Oouuon bonds wil] be iss~u.ed by the Town of Pleasanton.
<br /> Such bonds are registeracle only as to both principal
<br /> and interest.
<br />pURPOSE OF ISSUE: Said bonds are authorized by vote of two-thirds of the
<br /> ualified voters voting at a. spec!a.1 munic~i~sl b~o.n.d .
<br /> ..... ~--:-:*~ ~, aan.~truction and comple~ion oI the follo.w~ng
<br />eleC%ion IOr ~ne 86qui~zu.~,., ........
<br />municipal improvement, to-trit: Improvement of the mun~c~pa.1 water syszem,
<br /> n a hew water reservoir, transmission and distriout~on lines,
<br />i.nclud~ g. ~:~,~ -~: ~umns. machinery, ap~aratus, e,quip.ment,
<br />Dlpes, valves, .z~,,,o¥, '%'_t~A ~^$~, ,-^rks .nroaertv or stI~lOl;ures
<br />lands, easemenss, r.~gn~s o~ way ~,~ ~-~- ,,~ 'h~ m[mic~ al water system
<br />necessary or convemen.t for the zmprovement of t e
<br />of the Town of Plesssn%on.
<br /> , STAfUS: In the event that orior to the delivery of the bonds
<br /> TAX EA~)~PT ' : -- . ~ .... ~,~m by nrivste holders frim b. onds of
<br />
<br /> the same yp · ' f such laws or b the
<br /> ruling of a FeGeral lnco.me~'~ax au~,,~--.,~ ~- .~ ..... ~ederal Court,
<br /> nternal Hevenue, or Dy GOCiS1011 OI airy ~ . .
<br /> by the Bureau of.I~. ~ ~:- ^~*~ ~r~a to the tender of sa~d
<br /> t[~e succe.s.sfgl .b,.la~,er m_a_¥_~ _.a.~n!~ ~-~i~[ron under the contract to
<br /> purch.ase the con. ds, ~nd in such case the deposit accompanying his bid
<br /> ~rill be returned.
<br /> , · ral obli ations bonds of the Town
<br /> RI ' Sa~d 0ends are gene · g · ewer
<br /> SECU TY. ~' ...... ,^~ o~ ~b~ ~,~tv Comical thereof has p.
<br /> -- ' ' OI l~les~~II~A, ~ ........
<br /> ~s obl~ ated to levy ad valorem taxes for ,the pay~.en,t, of.the
<br /> ~ ' 'g ro er~ w~thin~ne
<br /> ne interest thereon u on all p Y . . .
<br /> bonds and t ......... ~.. ~=~d ~ exceot certain ~nts~g~b!e
<br /> Pleasanton,..suo3.ecz ~o ~ax_a~o~,~+~-;=~[~.~]- ~thoht limitation o~ rs~e
<br /> property, which ~s taxable at ~
<br /> or amount.
<br /> ' P ~t0N' The le al opinion of Messrs_. 0trick, D_ah.l.qu~ist: Neff,
<br /> L~GAL 0 I .. ~ ~ ,,---;~+^~ nt~ San ~rancisco, GalllOrnla, ~
<br /> Drova% ~- n?~-~_,,,.~- ' d t the successIui
<br /> approving the validity of said bond~ w~ll be furnlshe o
<br /> bidder without charge.
<br />
<br />-8-
<br />
<br />
<br />