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interpretation. Therefore, the Task Force created two new policies. As drafted, new homes in <br /> the Downtown Specific Plan Area would be required to utilize one of the existing residential <br /> architectural styles found Downtown dating before 1942. The new section is shown below: <br /> New residential building design, including the design of replacement buildings for buildings <br /> constructed before 1942 which are approved for demolition, should draw upon the primary exterior <br /> features of the Downtown's traditional design character in terms of materials, colors, details of <br /> construction, and setbacks and should utilize one of the following architectural styles found <br /> Downtown dating from pre-1942: Gothic Revival, Italianate, Victorian(Queen Anne, Stick, and <br /> Folk), Bay Tradition, Craftsman, Prairie, Mission Revival, Spanish Colonial Revival, Mediterranean <br /> Revival, Minimal Traditional, Vernacular Forms, and FHA Minimum House. <br /> The other new policy requires the mass and bulk of new single-family homes and modifications <br /> to existing single-family homes be compatible with single-family homes in the immediate <br /> neighborhood. Compatibility would be assumed if the proposed Floor Area Ratio (FAR) does <br /> not exceed the average FAR of the single-family homes in the neighborhood by more than 25 <br /> percent. The immediate neighborhood is defined as lots within 150 ft. of the subject lot. <br /> Exceptions could be granted if the house design is determined to offset issues created by <br /> exceeding the standard or if a representative sample of the neighborhood could not be obtained <br /> using the 150 ft. distance. The entire section is shown below: <br /> Compatibility of new single-family homes or modifications to existing single-family homes with the <br /> immediate neighborhood(i.e., single-family homes on lots within 150 feet of the subject lot) relative <br /> to mass and bulk shall be assumed if the proposed FAR does not exceed the average FAR of the <br /> single-family homes in the immediate neighborhood by more than 25 percent. In computing the <br /> average FAR, only single-family detached homes in PUD and non-PUD zoning districts in the <br /> Downtown Specific Plan Area shall be used. The above compatibility standard does not apply to <br /> new single-family homes in PUD zoning districts or modifications to existing single-family homes <br /> in PUD zoning districts. <br /> Exceptions can be granted to this compatibility standard if the specific house design is determined to <br /> offset issues created by FAR above this standard or if a representative sample of the neighborhood <br /> cannot be obtained using the 150 ft. distance, as determined by the Director of Community <br /> Development. In no case shall exceptions be granted to exceed zoning restrictions on FAR. <br /> However, variances may be granted subject to required findings and established processes. <br /> The Downtown Design Guidelines were also modified to include similar language. <br /> Garage Location <br /> The Specific Plan currently includes a Residential Design and Beautification policy encouraging <br /> garages at the rear of lots and the Downtown Design Guidelines state that detached garages are <br /> preferred and should be placed at the rear of sites. The Task Force recommends that the <br /> Specific Plan and Guidelines be modified to remove any uncertainty of whether the garage has <br /> to be detached and placed in the rear of the lot or if it could be attached and placed at the front of <br /> the home. <br /> P13-2446/P13-4447/P13-4448 Page - 7- November 13, 2013 <br />