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$4 million but fell short of projections by $131,000. However, expenditures decreased accordingly from <br /> the $3.8 million that was projected to approximately $3.5 million. The fund ended the fiscal year with a <br /> profit of $139,000 that was transferred to the General Fund to pay down the 2003 loan, which has a <br /> current balance of $7.3 million. Ms. Wagner presented a comparison of the golf course's year to year <br /> performance, noting that the 56,104 rounds played in 2012/13FY is down from the prior year of 58,272 <br /> and from 73,365 in 2006/07FY. <br /> Councilmember Pentin noted that 2006/07FY was the first full year of operation for the golf course and <br /> said those numbers likely represent something of a honeymoon period. <br /> Ms. Wagner reviewed the Repair and Replacement Fund, which is where operating funds transfer <br /> monies for repair and replacement of city owned assets. The fund began the year with a balance of <br /> $21.9 million. Revenues totaled $2.4 million, not including a transfer from the Golf Course Fund. <br /> Expenditures of $3.5 million were less than the anticipated $4.9 million, with $1.4 million in repairs and <br /> replacement postponed as a result of both new technology and extensions in useful life of various <br /> assts. She explained that department heads are currently reviewing and updating the 20 year <br /> replacement plan to better reflect the impacts of these changing technologies so that they may provide <br /> a more accurate budget moving forward. <br /> Ms. Wagner stated that staff would return with the year-end Capital Improvement Program and is <br /> working diligently to complete the Comprehensive Annual Financial Report with the hopes of bringing it <br /> to the Council for ratification in January. The first quarter report for the 2013/14FY will be presented to <br /> the Council at its December 3, 2013 meeting. Staff will also return in March 2013 with a mid-year <br /> update and in June 2014 with a mid-term budget review. <br /> Councilmember Narum referred to Table 3 on page 4 of the staff report where it discusses General <br /> Fund expenditures on repairs and maintenance. She requested clarification on how these expenditures <br /> differ from those of the Repair and Replacement Fund. <br /> Ms. Wagner explained that in addition to contributions to the internal service fund, the General Fund <br /> provides for repairs and maintenance on those items that are not capital assets. By definition, capital <br /> assets must exceed $5,000 in value. <br /> Councilmember Narum expressed concern that the reduced expenditures in the Repair and <br /> Replacement Fund could equal deferred maintenance simply for the sake of maintaining a balanced <br /> budget or giving the appearance of a funds surplus. <br /> Ms. Wagner stressed that this is not the case. She reiterated that staff is working to prepare a better <br /> estimate of the future cost of items and their useful life in order to more accurately budget this fund. <br /> She again stressed that technology is significantly changing the city's repair and replacement plan. She <br /> noted that staff is even assessing the potential of a lease and maintenance plan for vehicles as a more <br /> cost effective alternative to outright purchase. She noted that Pleasanton has always been very <br /> conservative in setting aside the necessary funds for repair and maintenance and is simply trying to be <br /> smart about taking advantage of certain changes in technology. <br /> Mayor Thorne remarked that at 3.6% increase in water sales is not necessarily a good thing. <br /> Ms. Wagner explained that customers have likely been watering more due to the drought and also <br /> noted that Pleasanton's rates are 20% less than any other neighbors in the valley. <br /> Councilmember Brown referred to the year to year comparison of revenues and asked how one could <br /> trace expenditures similarly to ensure that they appropriately correlate to income in any given year. <br /> City Council Minutes Page 5 of 6 November 19, 2013 <br />
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