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Mr. Dolan explained that this first table is a review of the time frame in terms of housing <br /> that the Task Force is thinking about planning for. He pointed out that it goes through <br /> the math of what is left over from the last round and what the City is faced with in the <br /> next round of RHNA, and what is being assumed for the round after that. He noted that <br /> the City does not know what that assignment is going to be in the round following that, <br /> but staff is assuming that it is going to be pretty much the same as the first one because <br /> that is the only piece of data staff has to go on, although it could be higher or it could be <br /> lower. <br /> Mix of Single Family and Multifamily <br /> Units and Comparison to RHNA <br /> awy <br /> Sea wry ay. Mi 2066• _ <br /> Sy a aw Son Sly at wnbw Syr w6s. <br /> M AM7r17MI6 Pent of 75% 20% nisi ma <br /> AIMSn 710014'n7 N MY/M <br /> be d 4rr1r4d wnaM <br /> SAS IS far nnMYM <br /> w4r00 <br /> Vora MIS <br /> Ir130 <br /> Low ad Scows <br /> nr _i MSS way <br /> wn <br /> A s.1 1,000 600 000 MII 720 260 12% 1,773 <br /> Ahi, vs2 1,420 U6 MI M% 1,070 707 16% 1200 <br /> AwrmOr3 1,710 IM 1224 01% 1,366 420 21% 1,116 <br /> Mane.4 1,252 MI 043 32% 202 321 16% 1,702 <br /> Mr. Dolan stated that his main point is made primarily by this second table which shows <br /> the four Alternatives that were presented to the Commission at the last meeting: <br /> • The first column shows a wide range of unit totals starting with 1,000; 1,426; <br /> 1,710; and 1,283. <br /> • The second and third columns show the breakdown in terms of how many of <br /> those in the various Alternatives are single-family and how many are multi-family, <br /> which vary quite a bit. <br /> • The fourth column shows the percent of the multi-family units for low, very-low, <br /> and moderate income RHNA requirement and how much of the requirement <br /> would be addressed in each of those Alternatives. <br /> Mr. Dolan stated that this includes two RHNA cycles and shows how much of the <br /> RHNA requirement for low, very-low, and moderate multi-family units would be <br /> accommodated in the plan area if those Alternatives were adopted just how they <br /> were. He pointed out that these Alternatives range from 25 percent up to <br /> 61 percent. He noted that there has been a fair amount of discussion about how <br /> this is a wide open area and there is no other comparable place in town, and <br /> EXCERPT: PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES, June 12, 2013 Page 2 of 13 <br />