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ATTACHMENT 2 <br /> P13-1858, City of Pleasanton, East Pleasanton Specific Plan <br /> Project update and discussion of four working draft specific plan alternatives for <br /> an approximately 1,100 acre area east of Martin Avenue and Valley Avenue, north <br /> of Stanley Boulevard, and south of Arroyo Mocho. Zoning for the approximately <br /> 235 acres of this property that is within the City of Pleasanton is P (Public and <br /> Institutional) and I-G-40 (General Industrial, 40,000 square foot minimum lot size). <br /> Brian Dolan, Director of Community Development, presented the staff report and <br /> explained why this item is on the Agenda again. He stated that at the last meeting, staff <br /> gave the Commission a status report on what the Task Force has being doing, the input <br /> staff has received from all the other Commissions and interested parties, and where the <br /> Task Force was headed as it geared up for a check-in with the City Council. He <br /> indicated that staff listened to the Commission's feedback, which included some great <br /> feedback and some actual substantive policy direction. He noted that staff did not <br /> necessarily absorb this feedback or respond to it during the meeting, and at a later <br /> discussion on the Commission's input, staff felt there were some things they wanted to <br /> circle back on with the Commission because they felt these were very important. He <br /> stated that this primarily relates to the theme that has gotten a fair amount of play at the <br /> Task Force and was really picked up on and reinforced by the Planning Commission: <br /> the idea that future development in the East Pleasanton Specific Plan area should be <br /> reflective mathematically in terms of the mix of single-family versus multi-family, similar <br /> to the rest of town, which is currently 75-percent single-family detached and 25-percent <br /> multi-family. He indicated that this is definitely possible and makes some sense, <br /> particularly in maintaining the character of the community, and is completely <br /> understandable that some would want to entertain this with respect to a whole new <br /> 400 acres to develop. <br /> Mr. Dolan stated that there were a few things staff wanted to double-check on with the <br /> Commission. He then displayed two tables on the screen: <br /> Estimate of RHNA to Year 2030 and Acreage <br /> ed to Accommodate Housing Needs <br /> 2014 EeMwaMS Ado00a J EaMaaM.V fribMMM ft ' <br /> 2022 2014 WINO M M 2022-2030 /idle M M Aeneye <br /> 1011NA Oar ASS MEM ,.t AM NeMd <br /> 20142022 2014M al <br /> ern <br /> Very Law <br /> Income 1,102 901 111 1,102 1,213 40 <br /> LowInomne <br /> Modenda 405 0 405 406 010 35 <br /> Income <br /> Mom <br /> Moderato 551 270 261 561 032 111 <br /> Income <br /> 41111211154 1.201 191 2,000 2.066 110 <br /> EXCERPT: PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES, June 12, 2013 Page 1 of 13 <br />