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development standpoint to have a park there, then that would be terrific and the best <br /> way to utilize the land. <br /> Commissioner Pearce stated that her children have gone to Walnut Grove Elementary <br /> that has a park next to the school, and it is a really good use of the park: it is a park for <br /> the City all the time, and the school uses it as an extension of its facility during school <br /> hours. She indicated that if at all possible, it should be done that way. <br /> 9. Others <br /> Chair Blank asked the Commissioners if they had any opinions on whether the PGS <br /> Transfer Station and the OSC should be moved. <br /> Commissioner Posson stated that he thinks it can be accommodated and seems to be <br /> the most reasonable land use because those areas would be taken. He indicated that <br /> he probably feels more strongly about the Transfer Station moving just because of the <br /> odor and noise, and he does not feel as strongly about moving the OSC. He added that <br /> from an efficiency standpoint, he senses that the OSC could be more centrally located, <br /> although that is probably improbable based on utilization of land across the City, and <br /> that more currently is a probably reasonable location. <br /> Commissioner O'Connor agreed with Commissioner Posson that he is not as focused <br /> on the OSC as with moving the Transfer Station out of the residential area. He noted <br /> that he thinks it needs to go at least to the perimeter of El Charro Road or on the other <br /> side. With respect to the OSC, he indicated that he knows there has been some recent <br /> renovations; he does not know how many dollars were put in there, but he would hate to <br /> throw that away if major work was done over there. He added that he is fine with where <br /> it is if not a lot of dollars were invested there, but he is also fine with moving it as well. <br /> Chair Blank stated that he does not think the OSC poses the same types of problems as <br /> the Transfer Station does, and he is really concerned about moving the Transfer Station <br /> from a dollar amount and that if it will be moved, it absolutely has to be at zero cost to <br /> the ratepayers, taxpayers, and everybody else. He added that he has no idea if that is <br /> going to be an EPA mega site when they start taking that thing apart and seeing what is <br /> in there. With respect to the OSC, he stated that the citizens of Pleasanton should not <br /> be charged for the move. <br /> Commissioner Olson stated that he would leave the OSC where it is and would <br /> definitely move the Transfer Station, but it would need to be done without undue burden <br /> on the ratepayers. He noted that in his opinion, his garbage rates are not outlandish, <br /> and what he pays to have his garbage picked up is a terrific bargain, so some limited <br /> rate adjustment would not bother him. <br /> Commissioner Pearce stated that she certainly thinks moving the Transfer Station is <br /> more important than moving the OSC. She noted that the Task Force has been pretty <br /> adamant that this should be done at no costs to the City or to the ratepayers, and that <br /> EXCERPT: PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES, May 22, 2013 Page 29 of 30 <br />