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Chair Blank commented that it seems kind of an odd question that someone would say <br /> "No, don't put a school near a park." <br /> Mr. Rasmussen replied that this is a situation where there are a lot of parks, a lot of park <br /> acreage, and a lot of park maintenance in the plan, with the community park, the sports <br /> facility, a neighborhood school park, and a village green, so there may have to be some <br /> tradeoffs in the future as far as the kinds of parks. <br /> Commissioner Olson stated that if there has to be a school put in there, it would <br /> probably be a good idea to put a park next to it. <br /> Commissioner Posson agreed with Commission Olson, adding that he does not know <br /> why a school would not be put near a park. <br /> Mr. Dolan stated that the City has been accused of being too park-heavy; there is a lot <br /> of park, which is expensive to build and even more expensive to operate. <br /> Chair Blank noted that it does not mean build a park for the school, but if there is a <br /> place where there is going to be a park, then the park could be put next to the school, or <br /> the school next to the park. He added that if ten million dollars would be spent to build a <br /> special park just for the school, then this should be reconsidered. <br /> Mr. Dolan stated that some of the options for a school site are not necessarily right next <br /> to park options and so it would be an extra park. <br /> Commissioner Posson stated that he would modify his comment to say that depending <br /> on what the actual layout is, if it is within an economically reasonable thing to do, then it <br /> should be done; but if it is going to cost ten million dollars, then it should not be done. <br /> Commissioner Olson agreed. <br /> Commissioner O'Connor inquired if staff is saying that the school site might be smaller <br /> because the City can utilize part of the school site as a public park, or that the City <br /> would share those sites so the school could use the public park for part of its recreation <br /> needs. <br /> Mr. Dolan replied that that is probably the case but that this has not been worked out <br /> completely: <br /> Commissioner O'Connor stated that he thinks all of the Alternatives are pretty close to <br /> some type of park, although Alternative 1 is more of a linear park, and the rest seem to <br /> be near one or two parks. <br /> Commissioner Posson stated that he thinks the Commission should look at where there <br /> will be the best utilization of the land: if there is a school site and it makes sense from a <br /> EXCERPT: PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES, May 22, 2013 Page 28 of 30 <br />