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DRAFT <br />sense in the new economy. He added that he does not sense that it goes contrary to <br />anything that the Master Plan is trying to do and noted that the Commission will still see <br />all of these as permits come through and will be able to review them to make sure they <br />fit in line with what the caps are that are out there. He noted that this is a nice way to <br />clean up this process, make it more business - friendly, and help the citizens. He added <br />that he is also in favor of the way the staff report is written. <br />Commissioner Posson stated that he thinks this is an equitable clarification of the <br />ordinance and also addresses the current needs of the community. He noted that <br />where there was a need for more housing, industrial and commercial areas have been <br />converted to mixed -use areas. He added that things are going to continue to evolve, <br />and as projects are proposed, the Commission will have the opportunity to look at <br />those, evaluate the impacts, and determine if there is any additional limitations there. <br />He indicated that he is also supportive of staff's recommendation. <br />Chair Pearce stated that she is also supportive of staff's recommendation. She <br />commented that Commissioner Olson and she were talking before the meeting about <br />how they felt like this issue has been around forever and that, in fact, this was one of <br />the Planning Commission's priorities sent up to the City Council when the Council <br />created its list of priorities. <br />Chair Pearce stated that she believes it is equitable. She noted that she honestly is not <br />a big fan of the cap and that as mentioned earlier, it feels like political pressure way <br />back when, similar to the housing cap. She noted that if the Planning Commission has <br />the opportunity to review projects as they come through for impacts and things like that, <br />she does not really understand the concept of an overarching cap. She further noted <br />that the infrastructure is in place, the Commission is treating all the sites the same, and <br />this is a net zero to the City. She added that something like this that is equitable and <br />reasonable and allows Hacienda to continue to be competitive makes a lot of sense to <br />her and does a lot of good for the City. She reiterated that she is supportive of staff's <br />recommendations in its entirety, although, if the last six words are unnecessary and old <br />language, she is amenable to taking them off. <br />Commissioner Olson moved to find that the proposed modifications to the PUDs <br />are consistent with the General Plan and to recommend approval to the City <br />Council of Case PUD- 81- 30- 55M/PUD- 85- 08 -27M, subject to the Conditions of <br />Approval listed in Exhibit A of the staff report, with a modification that the last six <br />words of Condition No. 2.D. of City Council Ordinance No. 1596 be deleted. <br />Commissioner Posson seconded the motion. <br />DRAFT EXCERPT: PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES, 8/28/2013 Page 10 of 11 <br />