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DRAFT <br />against a cap. She added that she has significant concerns that this is the wrong <br />precedent, and if other residents get wind of this, they are going to start to wonder what <br />is going on and how much the Commission is representing them. <br />Finally, Commissioner Allen stated that if the Commission were to consider approval of <br />this, she would like to propose the following two changes to the wording: (1) specify <br />that this applies only to California Center and not to the other sites; and (2) eliminate the <br />last six words "and BART stations and related facilities." She noted that the BART <br />property was already thought of as being addressed in the seven sites. She added that <br />this is from the old ordinance and was included only because BART had not been built; <br />but now that BART has been built and built out, it should be removed as it is confusing <br />and misleading and no longer applies. <br />Chair Pearce asked Mr. Dolan if it was his perspective that the BART station and <br />related facilities are left-overs and not applicable. <br />Mr. Dolan replied that he thinks Commissioner Allen made a good point. He referred to <br />staff for comments. He noted that Ms. Stern pointed out that BART could be intending <br />to enhance its site with additional amenities, but that it is a minor issue. He indicated <br />that it could be eliminated. <br />With respect to Commissioner Allen's question regarding how the cap came about, <br />Commissioner Olson stated that like Mr. Paxson, he was not at those meetings but that <br />he agreed with Mr. Paxson that had he been at the meeting, he would have said that <br />the cap is a bad idea. He indicated that it is the same political pressure that has been in <br />this town for a long time. He noted that he has been in this City for 25 years, and it has <br />always had to have caps. He further noted that the City had a housing cap for a long <br />time, and everyone knows where that went. He added that it were up to him, he would <br />not have a cap on development in Hacienda; but rather, look at each project and then <br />allow Hacienda to respond to the times and to the competitive pressures that are <br />confronting it. He indicated that he, in fact, has wondered what it would take to get rid <br />of the cap. <br />Regarding the points that were raised that, first, this is a give -away and that the <br />community is not getting anything in return, Commissioner Olson stated that he thinks <br />that totally misses the idea as the businesses pay taxes here. He noted that <br />businesses that come into Hacienda generate local jobs and the whole idea of mixed - <br />use, and it just blows his mind that this is not seen as helpful for the community. As to <br />the second point that this will set a precedent, he stated that, again, this is based on the <br />cap, and he does not see what is sacrosanct about the cap. He indicated that he would <br />not be in favor of any changes here and that he is in alignment with staff's <br />recommendation. <br />Commissioner Ritter stated that he is looking at this as a simplification of the <br />government process, cleaning up the way this old PUD was put together. He noted that <br />he is always in favor of reducing government bureaucratic processes, and it makes <br />DRAFT EXCERPT: PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES, 8/28/2013 Page 9 of 11 <br />