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(e) Assembly of electrical equipment such as radio and television receivers, phonographs and <br />home motion picture equipment, but not including electrical machinery; <br />(f) Laboratories, including commercial, testing, research, experimental, or other <br />laboratories, including pilot plants; <br />(g) General office uses (including computer centers) where no office user shall have less than <br />two thousand (2,000) square feet of usable space; <br />(h) Photographic processing; <br />(i) Printing, lithographing and engraving; <br />0) Publishing; <br />(k) Industrial support and service facilities to include activities limited to the servicing of <br />businesses on the Parcel or servicing of products produced on the Parcel, such as: repair <br />and maintenance of appliances or component parts, tooling, Printers, testing shops, small <br />machine shops, copying, Photo engraving, etc.; <br />(1) Accessory uses and structures when related to and incidental to a permitted use; <br />(m) Manufacturing or combining processes of pharmaceutical products, provided no noxious <br />or offensive fumes or odors are produced; <br />(n) Manufacturing or combining processes of biological products, provided no noxious or <br />offensive fumes or odors are produced; <br />(o) Sales at wholesale, manufacturers' representatives and sales office, or sales to the <br />ultimate consumer of products made to the customers' orders; <br />(p) Engineering drafting and design facilities; <br />(q) Research and development facilities; <br />(r) Manufacture of prototype; <br />(s) Any research and development use listed above may be operated in conjunction with any <br />allowed light industrial use or office use; <br />(t) All typical uses associated with research and development and light manufacturing for the <br />electronics and semiconductor industries; <br />(u) Painting, enameling, and lacquering shops; <br />(v) Public utility equipment buildings and public service pumping stations; <br />(w) Sheet metal shops; <br />(x) Storage of raw materials, work in process, and finished goods inventories; <br />(z) Any other use determined by the Association and the City of Pleasanton to be <br />substantially similar to any of the above permitted uses. <br />1.6 Public and Institutional Planning Districts. The permitted uses for the Public and Institutional <br />Planning District ( "P&ID') shall be as follows: <br />(a) Licensed child care facilities. <br />1.7 Mired Office, Research and DeoelopnWnt/Ught M"ufacturing Planning District. The <br />permitted uses for the Mixed Office, Research and Development/Light Manufacturing Planning District <br />( "MO/IPD ") are: <br />(a) Those permitted uses listed in subsections 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, and 1.5 <br />.5- <br />