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1.8 Mixed Retail/Commercial/1Ninancial, Ofiice,and Research and DevelopmentUght <br />Manufacturing Planning District. The permitted uses for the Mixed Retail /Commercial/Financial, <br />Office, and Research and Development/Light Manufacturing Planning District ( "MC /O/IPD ") are: <br />(a) Those permitted uses listed in subsections 1. 1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, and 1.5. <br />2.0 Conduct of Permitted Uses. All uses shall be performed or carried out entirely within a building <br />designated and constructed for that use. Activities which cannot be carried on within a building may be <br />permitted, but only if the Design Review Committee consents in writing to said use to the location for <br />such activity, and if said use is permitted by the then existing zoning or other applicable land use <br />regulations and said use is not specifically prohibited by Section 3.0; provided, however, that such use <br />shall be permitted only if (i) such activity is screened so as not to be Visible from Neighboring Property <br />or Streets, and (ii) all lighting required for such use is shielded from adjacent streets. <br />3.0 Prohibited Uses. The following operations and uses shall not be permitted on any Parcel: <br />(a) Hotel/Motel /Motor Inn, except on 1C, Parcel 5A, and Parcel 56A; <br />(b) Residential use of any type, except of Lots 8A, 8B, 24A, 26A, 27B, and 60; <br />(c) Trailer courts, mobile home parks, or recreation vehicle camp grounds; <br />(d) Junk yards or recycling facilities; <br />(e) Drilling for and/or the removal of oil, gas, or other hydrocarbon substances [except that <br />this provision shall not be deemed to prohibit entry to the Property below a depth of five <br />hundred (500) feet for such purposes); <br />(f) Commercial excavation except in the course of approved construction; <br />(g) Distillation of bones; <br />(h) Dumping, disposal, incineration, or reduction of garbage, sewer, offal, dead animals or <br />refuse; <br />(i) Fat rendering; <br />0) Stockyard or slaughter of animals; <br />(k) Cemeteries; <br />(l) Refining of petroleum or its products; <br />(m) Smelting of iron, tin, zinc, or other ores; <br />(n) Jail or honor farms; <br />(o) Labor or migrant worker camps; <br />(p) Truck or bus terminals; <br />(q) Petroleum storage yards; <br />(r) Automobile or truck dealerships (except on Lot 51), wrecking, auto or truck repair, or <br />pig; <br />(s) Storage of radioactive materials; <br />(t) Construction yards. <br />mu:,�.fis <br />-6- <br />