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Commissioner Blank stated that he thinks they are pretty good. He commented that he <br /> saw only one tot lot in the area, and that seemed a little light to him. He noted that there <br /> might be an opportunity in Building P where there is that big area, not necessarily to put <br /> in a play structure but to have a recreational area where kids could play. He pointed out <br /> that residents living in Building P would have to go all the way over to the other side to <br /> where Building C is. <br /> Chair Pentin stated he was fine with the on-site recreational facilities and amenities, <br /> with the addition of Commissioner Blank's comments. <br /> E. Are the building designs, colors and materials, and heights acceptable? <br /> Commissioner Blank stated that, as everyone knows, he is really big on the Pleasanton <br /> look, but people also know that he backed away from that with the Transit-Oriented <br /> Developments (TOD) because obviously, it is different than the Pleasanton look. He <br /> stated that overall, he is generally fine with this. He requested that when the project <br /> comes back to the Commission for the hearing, he would like to actually get to see <br /> visuals. He noted that Safeway had great visuals where they actually had people <br /> driving around the parking lots so the Commission could see how the buildings look and <br /> what the viewscapes were. He noted that it really helps the Commission and the public <br /> to get a good handle of what it is going to look like. <br /> Commissioner Pearce stated that preliminarily, she thinks everything looks great. She <br /> indicated that the color palette looks fine but that she would love to see some actual <br /> colors which the Commission can look at under their day light lamps. <br /> Commissioner Blank requested that the size of the color palettes be about 10 x 10, as <br /> opposed to the one-inch square ones, so the Commission can get a sense of the colors. <br /> Commissioner Pearce agreed. <br /> Commissioner Narum stated that she was fine overall, with one comment. She referred <br /> to page A2-14 of the plans and noted that the colors of the amenity buildings, <br /> specifically the mustard color, appear to be conflicting when put alongside the podium. <br /> Commissioner Blank noted that it could be the color from the printer. <br /> Commissioner Narum commented that she was pleased with the simplified towers <br /> which have that Pleasanton look. <br /> Commissioner Blank agreed and added that he saw a little bit of that in there, and he <br /> always wants more. <br /> Commissioner Pearce noted that she was looking at the same buildings when she <br /> asked for actual colors. <br /> EXCERPT: PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES, October 10, 2012 Page 10 of 11 <br />