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Topics B and C were considered together. <br /> B. Are the on-site circulation, parking layout, and positioning of the buildings <br /> acceptable? <br /> C. Does the Planning Commission support the use of shared office/residential spaces <br /> to meet some of the required residential parking <br /> Chair Pentin said absolutely yes for shared spaces. <br /> Commissioner Pearce stated that given what staff and the applicant have said, she is in <br /> support of shared parking. She noted she is comfortable with the 360 retail positioning, <br /> the buildings are great, the parking layout looks good, and there is sufficient circulation. <br /> Commissioner Blank stated that he was fine with both questions. He noted that his only <br /> comments are relatively minor ones that he has already made regarding finding some <br /> way to enhance the tie between the retail and the plaza. He reiterated that he is not <br /> looking to eliminate the plaza or suggesting that it is a bad thing. He indicated that he <br /> has seen this kind of approach in southern California and it is very successful. He <br /> added that this could be a great amenity and a really big hit. <br /> Commissioner O'Connor stated that his only concern is flexibility in the shared parking. <br /> He indicated that he would rather see more than less; not that it is going to be required, <br /> but just a concern for the future in the event it is required and knowing that there is <br /> something there; and if it is not needed, then it is not needed. <br /> Commissioner Olson stated that he is fine with both questions. He added that <br /> Mr. Dolan's comments regarding shared parking were spot on and hopes that the <br /> project gets there on shared parking. <br /> Commissioner Narum echoed all that has been said and added that she would much <br /> rather have the shared parking and allow more open space here than adding in its own <br /> parking and having to give up some of the open space in the center of that podium <br /> building. She noted that it is a good concept and she is fine with it. <br /> Chair Pentin concurred with Commissioner Narum. He stated that if it goes the shared <br /> parking route, and if the shared parking were to be increased to create more open <br /> space with the idea that if it ever came to that point, some of that may be reduced, he is <br /> good with that. <br /> D. Are the proposed on-site recreation facilities and amenities acceptable? <br /> Commissioner O'Connor said he was fine with them. <br /> Commissioners Olson, Narum, and Pearce said yes. <br /> EXCERPT: PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES, October 10, 2012 Page 9 of 11 <br />