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integrated with the existing office development on the subject property, that fulfills the <br /> desires of the applicant, and that meets the City's General Plan goals and policies. <br /> Moreover, input from the adjacent property owners and tenants has been sought and <br /> obtained through a Planning Commission work session; further oppon:unity for public <br /> comment will occur at the Planning Commission, Housing Commission, and City <br /> Council hearings. <br /> Staff believes that through the PUD process the proposed project has provided the <br /> developer and the City with a development plan that optimizes the use of this infill site in <br /> a sensitive manner. Therefore, staff believes that this finding can be made. <br /> VI. PUBLIC COMMENT <br /> Public notices were sent to property owners within a 1,000-foot radius of the project site and <br /> tenants of the Archstone Apartments, Hacienda Commons Apartments, Eaves Pleasanton <br /> Apartments, and the Metro 580 Shopping Center. At the time this report was written, staff had <br /> not received any comments from the surrounding property owners or tenants. Staff will forward <br /> to the Commission any public comments as they are received. <br /> VII. ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT <br /> On January 4, 2012, the City Council certified a Supplemental Environmental Impact Report <br /> (SEIR) and adopted the CEQA Findings and a Statement of Overriding Considerations for the <br /> Housing Element update and Climate Action Plan General Plan Amendment and Rezonings. <br /> This SEIR was a supplement to the EIR prepared for the Pleasanton 2005-2025 General Plan <br /> which was certified in July 2009. The subject property was one of 21 potential housing sites <br /> analyzed in the SEIR. Up to 420 multi-family housing units and 10,000 sq. it. of retail space <br /> were analyzed in the SEIR for this site. <br /> Under CEQA, once an EIR has been prepared for a project, the lead agency (in this case, the <br /> City) may not require a subsequent or supplemental EIR unless: <br /> • Substantial changes are proposed in the project that will require major revisions of the <br /> EIR; <br /> • Substantial changes have occurred in the circumstances under which the project is being <br /> undertaken that will require major revisions in the EIR; or <br /> • New information, which was not known and could not have been known at the time the <br /> EIR was certified as complete, becomes available. <br /> The CEQA Guidelines further clarify the circumstances under which a supplemental or <br /> subsequent EIR may be required. Guidelines Section 15162 provides as follows: <br /> PUD-85-08-1D-4M Page - 30 - March 27, 2013 <br />