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site driveways, and parking areas are constructed on properly prepared surfaces. The <br /> proposed development would provide adequate drainage to prevent flooding. Parking lot <br /> and roof drainage would drain into landscaped bioretention areas that would filter <br /> contaminants before entering the arroyos and, ultimately, the bay. The site is not located <br /> within an Alquist-Priolo Earthquake Fault Zone. The flood hazard maps of the Federal <br /> Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) indicate that the subject property is not <br /> located in a flood hazard zone. <br /> Therefore, staff believes that this finding can be made. <br /> 5. Whether streets and buildings have been designed and located to complement the <br /> natural terrain and landscape: <br /> The project site is in a developed area of the City and would not involve the extension of <br /> any new public streets. The relatively flat, urban infill site has no constraints to either <br /> roads or buildings. Development of the site complements the natural terrain by making <br /> only minor changes as necessary to the site's existing relatively flat topography. The <br /> proposed buildings will be compatible in size and scale with surrounding structures. <br /> Therefore, staff believes that this PUD finding can be made. <br /> 6. Whether adequate public safety measures have been incorporated into the design of <br /> the plan: <br /> The public improvements associated with this project would be consistent with City <br /> design standards. The driveway entrances are located and configured to provide adequate <br /> line-of-sight viewing distance and to facilitate efficient ingress/egress to and from the <br /> project site. All on-site drive aisles would meet City standards for emergency vehicle <br /> access and turn-around. Adequate access would be provided to all structures for police, <br /> fire, and other emergency vehicles. Buildings would be required to meet the <br /> requirements of the Uniform Building Code, Fire Code, other applicable City codes, and <br /> State of California energy and accessibility requirements. The buildings would be <br /> equipped with automatic fire suppression systems (sprinklers). <br /> Therefore, staff believes that this finding can be made. <br /> 7. Whether the plan conforms to the purposes of the PUD District: <br /> The proposed PUD development plan conforms to the purposes of the PUD district. One <br /> of these purposes is to ensure that the desires of the developer and the community are <br /> understood and approved prior to commencement of construction. Staff believes that the <br /> proposed project implements the purposes of the PUD ordinance in this case by providing <br /> a mixed-use high-density residential and retail project that is well-designed and well- <br /> PUD-85-08-ID-4M Page - 29 - March 27, 2013 <br />