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Noise Impacts on Adjacent Properties <br /> The development of commercial and residential uses on the property will generate added urban <br /> noise, such as traffic, loading and unloading of delivery trucks, children playing, etc. However, <br /> given the existing noise levels produced by nearby freeway and street traffic, and the existing <br /> commercial and office uses in the area, noise levels will not change substantially from that <br /> currently experienced in the area. During operation, the commercial uses will be required to <br /> meet the City's Noise Ordinance. <br /> A mitigation measure of the SEIR required that the future projects analyze whether they would <br /> add off-site traffic noise in excess of 55 dBA as described in the SEIR and, if they did, the <br /> applicant would need to contribute its fair share to mitigate the noise impact. The noise study <br /> determined that the project would not add traffic noise in excess of 55 dBA. Therefore, the <br /> applicant is not required to provide mitigation for this item. <br /> Short-term construction noise would also be generated during construction. The SEIR included <br /> construction related mitigation measures (e.g., limiting construction hours, compliance with the <br /> City's Noise Ordinance, locating stationary construction equipment as far from occupied <br /> buildings as possible, etc.). Conditions of approval have been included to address these <br /> mitigation measures. <br /> Grading and Drainage <br /> The majority of the lot is relatively level with perimeter landscaped berms rising several feet <br /> high. Except for the podium garage excavation and removal of the landscaped berms, the <br /> applicant is proposing to generally maintain the existing grades on the property. Approximately <br /> 9,000 cubic yards of excess soil will need to be off-hauled from the site. The haul route will be <br /> subject to the approval of the City Engineer. Parking lot and roof drainage would drain into <br /> landscaped bioretention areas that would filter contaminants before entering the arroyos and, <br /> ultimately, the bay. As conditioned, staff finds the proposed grading and drainage plan to be <br /> acceptable and in compliance with applicable stormwater runoff requirements. <br /> Architecture and Design <br /> Apartment and Retail Buildings <br /> Staff believes that the proposed buildings are well designed and articulated. The building <br /> designs are "four-sided" with no side minimized with respect to articulation or detailing. <br /> Portions of the building walls would pop-in or -out to provide variation in the wall plane and <br /> break up the building mass. The rooflines of the buildings undulate and vary in shape/material <br /> to break up the building mass and add interest. Building walls vary in materials and colors to <br /> provide variety and interest. <br /> Although other apartment buildings constructed in Pleasanton may have more of a "residential" <br /> appearance, staff and the applicant did not want a significantly residential appearance for this <br /> PUD-85-08-1D-4 M Page - 18 - March 27, 2013 <br />