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facilities, research and development, and residential. The residential and commercial uses are <br /> consistent with this land use designation. The Mixed Use/Business Park land use designation <br /> requires residential projects to have densities of at least 20 dwelling units per acre with higher <br /> densities (30 units per acre or more) encouraged in locations proximate to BART stations and <br /> other areas near transit. In addition, Program 11.1 of the Housing Element indicates that sites <br /> designated Mixed Use shall be developed at a minimum density of 30 units per acre. The <br /> proposed density of 36.3 dwelling units per acre is consistent with the General Plan (please see <br /> the "Housing Site Development Standards and Design Guidelines" section below for additional <br /> density discussion). Below are some of the General Plan Goals, Programs, and Policies that the <br /> project is consistent with or would promote: <br /> Land Use Element <br /> Sustainability <br /> Program 2.1: Reduce the need for vehicular traffic by locating employment, residential, and <br /> service activities close together, and plan development so it is easily accessible by transit, <br /> bicycle, and on foot. <br /> Program 2.2: Encourage the reuse of vacant and underutilized parcels and buildings within <br /> existing urban areas. <br /> Program 2.3: Require transit-compatible development near BART stations, along <br /> transportation corridors, in business parks and the Downtown, and at other activity centers, <br /> where feasible. <br /> Program 2.4: Require higher residential and commercial densities in the proximity of <br /> transportation corridors and hubs, where feasible. <br /> Program 2.6: Require design features in new development and redevelopment areas to <br /> encourage transit, bicycle, and pedestrian access, such as connections between activity <br /> centers and residential areas, and road design that accommodates transit vehicles, where <br /> feasible. <br /> Program 2.8: Require land development that is compatible with alternative transportation <br /> modes and the use of trails, where feasible. <br /> Overall Community Development <br /> Policy 4: Allow development consistent with the General Plan Land Use Map. <br /> Residential <br /> Policy 9: Develop new housing in infill and peripheral areas which are adjacent to existing <br /> residential development, near transportation hubs or local-serving commercial areas. <br /> PUD-85-08-1D-4M Page - 10- March 27, 2013 <br />