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40.No other trees shall be removed other than these specifically designated for <br /> removal. The project developer shall post cash, letter of credit, or other security <br /> satisfactory to the Director of Community Development in the amount of$5,000 for <br /> each tree required to be preserved, up to a maximum of $25,000. This cash bond or <br /> security shall be retained for one year following acceptance of public improvements <br /> or completion of construction, whichever is later, and shall be forfeited if the trees <br /> are destroyed or substantially damaged. No trees shall be removed other than <br /> those specifically designated for removal on the approved plans or tree report. <br /> 41.No tree trimming or pruning other than that specified in the tree report shall occur. <br /> The project developer shall arrange for the horticultural consultant to conduct a field <br /> inspection prior to issuance of grading permits to ensure that all recommendations <br /> have been properly implemented. The consultant shall certify in writing that such <br /> recommendations have been followed. <br /> 42.A final landscape plan and irrigation plan shall be submitted to and approved by the <br /> Director of Community Development as part of the building plan set prior to the <br /> issuance of a building permit. Said landscape plan shall be detailed in terms of <br /> species, location, and size. Plant species shall be of a drought tolerant nature with <br /> an irrigation system that maximizes water conservation throughout the development <br /> (e.g., drip system). <br /> 43.Except as otherwise conditioned, all trees used in landscaping shall be a minimum <br /> of 15 gallons in size and all shrubs a minimum of 5 gallons. <br /> 44.The applicant shall install an automatic irrigation system for all landscaping, <br /> including the landscaping installed in the City right-of-way. The site irrigation design <br /> shall utilize low-volume drip, bubbler, or other water conserving irrigation systems to <br /> maximize water conservation to the greatest extent possible. The irrigation systems <br /> shall include a soil moisture, rain sensor, or other irrigation efficiency device. The <br /> proposed type of irrigation efficiency device shall be shown on the plans submitted <br /> for the issuance of building permits. <br /> 45.Prior to issuance of a grading or building permit, the project developer shall install a <br /> temporary six foot tall chain-link fence (or other fence type acceptable to the Director <br /> of Community Development) outside of the existing tree drip lines, as shown on the <br /> plans. The fencing shall remain in place until final landscape inspection by the <br /> Community Development Department. Removal of such fencing prior to that time <br /> may result in a "stop work order." <br /> 46.The project developer shall mitigate the tree removal by planting additional trees on <br /> the lots, increase the size of some or all of the 26 trees that are presently shown on <br /> the landscape plan, and/or making a payment to the Urban Forestry Fund, subject to <br /> the satisfaction of the City Landscape Architect and Director of Community <br /> Development. The required payment shall be paid in full prior to issuance of a <br />