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building permit. <br /> Engineering <br /> 47.The project developer shall provide a bond to the City guaranteeing the installation <br /> of all common improvements and infrastructure improvements shown on the <br /> approved development plan or otherwise required as part of this development plan <br /> approval. The project developer shall provide an itemized cost estimate of said <br /> improvements, to be submitted with the bond, for the review and approval the <br /> Planning Director prior to issuance of building permits. The bond shall be returned <br /> to the project developer upon acceptance of said improvements by the City <br /> Engineer. <br /> 48. A sanitary sewer lateral with two-way cleanout (located at the back of the <br /> sidewalk or curb, whichever is applicable) shall be provided within the development <br /> unless otherwise approved by the City Engineer. <br /> 49.Approval of the storm drainage system, including the detail of the storm water <br /> retention basin, shall be subject to the review and approved by the City Engineer <br /> prior to the issuance of a building permit for the project. <br /> 50.A detailed grading and drainage plan prepared by a licensed Civil Engineer including <br /> all supporting information and design criteria (including but not limited to any peer <br /> review comments), storm drain treatment calculations, hydromodification <br /> worksheets, etc., shall be submitted as part of the improvement plans <br /> 51.The proposed driveway approach shall be constructed per City's Standard <br /> Specifications. A detail of the driveway approach shall be shown on the plans <br /> submitted for issuance of building permits and shall be subject to the review and <br /> approval by the City Engineer and Director of Community Development prior to the <br /> issuance of building permits. <br /> 52.The design of the water supply and sanitary sewer systems shall be subject to the <br /> review and approval by the City Engineer. <br /> 53.The project developer shall install irrigated bioswales as shown on the PUD <br /> development plan. The swale shall drain to the bio-retention area located on Lot 4 <br /> and then be connected to the overflow swale to the creek when applicable permits <br /> from regulatory agencies are obtained. If the applicable permits cannot be secured, <br /> the size of the bio-retention areas shall be revised to accommodate the anticipated <br /> runoff. The swale shall have a subsurface cutoff wall and subdrain. The design <br /> details of the bioswale shall be shown on the subdivision improvement plans, shall <br /> be reviewed and approved by the project's Soils Engineer, and then shall be <br /> reviewed and approved by the Director of Community Development and City <br />