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31. That the site development.plan include all required <br /> information to design and construct site, grading, <br /> paving and drainage. <br /> <br /> 321 .~ha~the paving sections for the parking and drive <br /> . .areas be'designed on the basis of an R-Value test and <br /> 'a Traffic Index to carry the anticipated traffic load. <br /> This design shall be subject to the approval of the <br /> City Engineer. The minimum paving section shall be <br /> 2" A.C. on 6" A.B. The minimum A.C. pavement slope <br /> shall be 1%. <br /> <br /> 33. That the developer's contractor obtain an .enCroa~ent <br /> permit from the City prior to the beginning of con- <br /> struction. <br /> <br /> 34. That prior to issuanqe of a building permit, the <br /> developer shall participate in the funding of a <br /> comprehensive water study of the north Pleasanton <br /> <br /> f area to identify'short and long-term improvements <br /> necessary to achieve adequate water supply and pressure. '~"' <br /> In order to achieve timely completion of such improve- <br /> ments concurrent with the development of ~e subject <br /> site, the developer shall enter into an agreement to ' <br /> pay his appropriate share of the cost of the water <br /> facilities necessary to serve the subject property <br /> or made necessary due'to the cumulative development <br /> of the north Pleasanton area. Improvements may be <br /> made via reimbursement agreements, assessment districts <br />--' or benefit districts as best meets the needs of the <br /> City and developer. The method of implementation shall <br /> be decided and entered into when determined necessary <br /> by the City Engineer and/or the City Attorney. <br /> <br /> 35. That in order to maintain existing levels of fire <br /> service per general plan policies, the developer <br /> shall enter into an agreement to participate in <br /> the funding of the study of fire service require-. <br /> ments necessitated by the subject project and other <br /> proposed major conm~ercial/industrial projects; that <br /> the project shall be constructed in such a way as to <br /> minimize the fir~ .hazards; and that the developer <br /> shall agree to p&bticipate in ~the financing of the <br /> necessary fire apparatus and manpower required to <br /> serve this project as well as other mutual projects <br /> while maintaining existing city-wide levels of fire <br /> 'service. The level of any participation in the latter <br /> shall take into consideration the project's contri- <br /> bution towards city services generally, including <br /> fire services. The agreement shall be entered into <br /> prior to issuance of a building permit. <br /> <br /> <br />