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The other portions of the project are funded by other sources, such as the General <br /> Fund. Fund balance, revenues, expenditures and transfers for this fund for fiscal years <br /> 2007/08 through 2011/12 are detailed in Appendix A, page Al. <br /> Neighborhood Park Development Fund (Fund 159) — This fund is utilized to account for <br /> the receipt of Park Dedication In-Lieu fees. These fees are used to offset the cost of <br /> park acquisition. This fund also receives a portion of Public Facilities fees to be used to <br /> offset the cost of community park development. Fund balance, revenues, expenditures <br /> and transfers for this fund for fiscal years 2007/08 through 2011/12 are detailed in <br /> Appendix A, page A2. <br /> Traffic Impact Fund (Fund 161) - This fund is utilized to account for the receipt of Traffic <br /> Impact fees. When a project serves both new and existing development, only the <br /> portion related to new development is charged against this fund. The other portions of <br /> the project are funded by other sources, such as gas tax revenues or the General Fund. <br /> Fund balance, revenues, expenditures and transfers for this fund for fiscal years <br /> 2007/08 through 2011/12 are detailed in Appendix A, page A3. <br /> Tri-Valley Transportation Fund (Fund 166) - This fund is utilized to account for the <br /> receipt of Tri-Valley Transportation fees. The City, as a member of the Tri-Valley <br /> Transportation Council (TVTC), collects a fee from developers to finance projects to <br /> reduce traffic-related impacts caused by future developments. The City forwards 80% <br /> of the receipts to the TVTC to be utilized for regional traffic projects and retains 20% for <br /> City related traffic projects. In addition, the City receives advances/reimbursements for <br /> City related work performed on specific TVTC sponsored projects. The City acts as a <br /> project sponsor for some TVTC projects. In this capacity, the City receives pass- <br /> through funds from TVTC and remits them to the appropriate agency in charge of the <br /> project. Fund balance, revenues, expenditures and transfers for this fund for fiscal <br /> years 2007/08 through 2011/12 are detailed in Appendix A, page A4. <br /> Downtown Parking-In-Lieu Fund (Fund 226) — This fund is utilized to account for the <br /> receipt of Parking-In-Lieu fees for the Downtown Revitalization District (District). When <br /> development within the District is not able to accommodate all of its required parking <br /> onsite, the fee is collected to purchase land and to construct public parking lots. Fund <br /> balance, revenues, expenditures and transfers for this fund for fiscal years 2007/08 <br /> through 2011/12 are detailed in Appendix A, page A5. <br /> Lower Income Housing Fund (Fund 271) —This fund is utilized to account for the receipt <br /> of Lower Income Housing fees and their disbursement for lower income housing <br /> projects. Fund balance, revenues, expenditures and transfers for this fund for fiscal <br /> years 2007/08 through 2011/12 are detailed in Appendix A, page A6. <br /> Unexpended Funds After Five Years <br /> Government Code section 66001(d) provides that five years after collecting a <br /> development fee subject to AB1600 and SB1693, a local agency shall make findings <br /> that year and every five years thereafter, with respect to any portion of the fee <br /> remaining unexpended. The findings must identify the purpose for which the fee is to <br /> be used and demonstrate a nexus between the fee and the purpose for which it was <br /> 2 of 5 <br />