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BACKGROUND <br /> Beginning in 1984, public entities were required to provide an annual accounting <br /> concerning the collection and use of all development impact fees. Effective January 1, <br /> 1989, AB1600 (Government Code Section 66000 et seq.) established new accounting <br /> guidelines regarding the imposition and use of development impact fees. Effective <br /> January 1, 1997, SB1693 made certain changes to AB1600 and clarified and expanded <br /> the responsibilities of local agencies. In February 1998, SB1760 further clarified the <br /> development impact fees that are subject to AB1600 and excluded water and sewer <br /> connection fees from the requirements to expend these fees within five years. Water <br /> and sewer connection fees are included in this report in order to provide the requisite <br /> information on the receipt and utilization of these funds as required by SB1760. <br /> One of the mandated accounting guidelines, as stated in Government Code Section <br /> 66006(a), provides that a local agency shall establish separate capital facility accounts <br /> for each improvement funded by development impact fees. Any interest income earned <br /> by funds in such an account shall also be deposited in that account. Each local agency <br /> is required within 180 days after the financial year is closed to make available to the <br /> public the following information for each separate account: (1) the account's beginning <br /> and ending balance; (2) the amount of fees, interest, and other income in the account; <br /> (3) the amount of expenditure for each public facility or improvement made from the <br /> account; (4) the total percentage of the cost of the improvement that was funded with <br /> the fees; (5) the date construction will commence if sufficient funds have been collected; <br /> (6) a description of any interfund transfers or loans made from an account; and (7) the <br /> amount of refunds made from the account. Appendix A provides this information for <br /> funds held on June 30, 2012. Appendix C provides the Master Fee Schedule for the <br /> development impact fees that are subject to AB1600, SB1693 and SB1760. <br /> In addition, Government Code 66006 Section (b)(2) requires the report to be included <br /> on the agenda at a public meeting not less than fifteen (15) days after the information <br /> was made available to the public. Staff made the information available to the public <br /> starting on November 19, 2012 and published the public hearing notice in the Valley <br /> Times on November 17, 2012. Staff also mailed the notice of the public hearing and a <br /> copy of the report to interested parties who had filed a written request with the City for <br /> the mailed notice. <br /> DISCUSSION <br /> The City uses Fund Accounting to segregate development impact fees subject to <br /> AB1600 and SB1760 from other City funds. Interest income is allocated to each <br /> individual fund based on its own cash balance. <br /> Funds Subject to AB1600 <br /> The City utilizes the following funds to track development related revenues subject to <br /> AB1600: <br /> Miscellaneous Capital Improvement Fund (Fund 154) — This fund is utilized to account <br /> for the Public Facilities fee. Facilities projects and equipment required to service new <br /> development are funded from this fee. When a project serves both new and existing <br /> development, only the portion related to new development is charged against this fund. <br /> 1 of 5 <br />