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that the at-large membership be increased by one position from 5 to 6; that the Council allow a change <br /> of seats between current Chair Becky Dennis, who no longer serves on the Pleasanton Gardens Board <br /> and Dolores Bengtson; that the Council appoint Cindy McGovern to the new at-large seat; and that the <br /> Council address its liaison vacancy as a part of ongoing appointments. <br /> Vice-Mayor Thorne noted there were no speakers <br /> MOTION: It was m/s by Cook-Kallio/Sullivan to approve the amendment to the Kottinger Task Force <br /> membership, as recommended and approved the appoint of Cindy McGovern to the Task Force. <br /> Motion carried by the following vote: <br /> Ayes: Councilmembers Cook-Kallio, McGovern, Sullivan, Vice-Mayor Thorne <br /> Noes: None <br /> Absent: Mayor Hosterman <br /> 21. Adopt a Resolution accepting the 2011/12FY Year-End Financial Report for the Operating Budget <br /> and amend the 2011/12FY Operating Budget <br /> Finance Director Wagner presented the 2011/12FY Year-End Financial Report for the Operating <br /> Budget, which includes the General Fund, Water Enterprise, Sewer Enterprise, Golf Course, and <br /> Repair and Replacement Funds. <br /> Ms. Wagner reviewed the General Fund, which began the fiscal year with a $25.3 million reserve <br /> balance and ended with an excess of $2.1 million over what was projected. Actual revenues exceeded <br /> the budget due to increased Hotel-Motel Tax and Recreation Fee revenues, as well as Development <br /> Service Fee revenues from the Continuing Life Care and Toll Brothers projects. Property tax revenues; <br /> however, were approximately $500,000 less than projected and sales tax revenues also $692,000 less <br /> than projected. The sales tax differential is largely due to the City's repayment to the City of Livermore <br /> for misallocated tax revenues in prior years. Ms. Wagner also noted that the State Board of <br /> Equalization's conversion to an electronic processing system has resulted in ongoing misallocations <br /> and there is the expectation for some revenues to be reallocated to the City in this fiscal year. <br /> Councilmember Sullivan asked if the $692,000 decrease in sales tax revenues is an accurate reflection <br /> of actual sales tax revenues. Ms. Wagner said she did not believe it to reflect a real decline in sales tax <br /> revenues, but also did not believe the City would see the revenue numbers it did in 2007/08 FY. She <br /> explained that a high percentage of Pleasanton's sales taxes come from business to business sales. <br /> While both businesses might reside within California, many times products are shipped from outside of <br /> the state and the sales tax goes into a countywide pool that is then reallocated to all cities within the <br /> County. In effect, the City loses a dollar and gets back 8 cents and this has resulted in the loss of <br /> several million dollars annually. She noted that while this is the current law, there is movement towards <br /> changing that as a result of the internet and the projected future of retail sales. <br /> Vice-Mayor Thorne said he would like to see a breakdown of sales tax revenues and their source in <br /> order to provide the Economic Vitality Committee with some focus and also to show what kind of impact <br /> Paragon might be having. Ms. Wagner said that staff has considerably detailed information, shares <br /> equal concern about Paragon and has started to look at that. <br /> Councilmember Cook-Kallio asked if misallocation of sales tax revenues affected the 2007/08 FY peak <br /> of sales tax revenues. Ms. Wagner said no, it occurred in the early 2000s. <br /> Councilmember Cook-Kallio asked if the reallocation the City could expect would be at the 8% rate. Ms. <br /> Wagner said no, the majority of the $692,000 decrease is for the Vanstar misallocation. There were, <br /> however, two other allocations taken from Pleasanton at the end of 2011/12FY that HDL, the City's <br /> auditors, are researching. <br /> City Council Minutes Page 4 of 9 November 20, 2012 <br />