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PI1-0824(Downtown Hospitality Guidelines), P12-0798(Pleasanton Municipal Code Amendments) <br /> Initial Study and Negative Declaration <br /> 5.9. HYDROLOGY AND WATER QUALITY <br /> ENVIRONMENTAL SETTING <br /> No physical changes are proposed as part of this project. Special events and hospitality <br /> uses, such as music, entertainment, and bars are already allowed Downtown and no <br /> changes to where bars may be requested on a City wide basis are proposed. These types <br /> of events and commercial land uses were addressed in the Pleasanton General Plan and <br /> its corresponding EIR. Increases in occupancy above Code, such as the Fire Code, are <br /> not proposed. <br /> STANDARDS OF SIGNIFICANCE <br /> For purposes of this environmental document, an impact is considered significant if the <br /> proposed project would: <br /> • Result in substantially degrading water quality or violate any water quality objectives <br /> set by the State Water Resources Control Board due to increased sediments or <br /> other contaminants generated by consumption and/or operation activities; <br /> • Result in exposing people or property to the risk of injury and damage in the event <br /> of a 100-year flood. <br /> Lass Than <br /> Significant <br /> Potentially Impact With Less Than <br /> Significant Mitigation Significant No <br /> Issues Impact Incorporated Impact Impact <br /> Hydrology and Water Quality <br /> Would the project. <br /> a) Violate any water quality standards or waste discharge ❑ X <br /> requirements? <br /> b) Substantially deplete groundwater supplies or interfere n <br /> substantially with groundwater recharge such that there <br /> would be a net deficit in aquifer volume or a lowering of <br /> the local groundwater table level (e.g., the production rate <br /> of pre-existing nearby wells would drop to a level which <br /> would not support existing land uses or planned uses for <br /> which permits have been granted)? <br /> c) Substantially alter the existing drainage pattern of the site n ❑ x <br /> or area, including through the alteration of the course of a <br /> stream or river, in a manner, which would result in <br /> substantial erosion or siltation on-or off-site? <br /> d) Substantially alter the existing drainage pattern of the site X <br /> November 2, 2012 32 <br />