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Roush said it puts into motion an action, but the substance of these which is important for <br /> purposes of the poison pill provision is to re-affirm and re-adopt what is already in the General <br /> Plan. <br /> Councilmember Cook-Kallio said in order to implement, the City would identify specific ridges, <br /> design guidelines, drafting an ordinance, etc., and she would not have any problem with that <br /> language. Mayor Hosterman asked if there was Council support for "...and affirm and <br /> implement policies that protect hillsides...." City Attorney Roush said this would be preferable. <br /> Councilmember Sullivan questioned how the measure was clear that it was a council-sponsored <br /> initiative, and Councilmember Cook-Kallio said it references the General Plan and ordinance, <br /> but Councilmember McGovern noted "general plan" was taken out. Councilmember Cook-Kallio <br /> said the General Plan is referenced in the declaration of purpose and a number of other places <br /> in the explanation and she thinks it is clear that it is a Council-sponsored measure. <br /> Vice Mayor Thorne supported Option B on the ballot arguments and rebuttals and he wanted to <br /> participate in the ballot argument for. <br /> Councilmember McGovern said she thinks that "growth control initiative" is not clear and she <br /> wanted some definition on how this controls growth. Councilmember Sullivan believes that in <br /> the title it should say this is a Council-sponsored initiative. <br /> Motion: It was m/s by Hosterman/Cook-Kallio that Option 1 is used for the title; "Pleasanton <br /> ridgelines protection and growth-controlled initiative", that Option 4 be used for the ballot <br /> question with changes to include: "shall the Pleasanton ridgelines protection and growth- <br /> controlled initiative be adopted, that would preserve scenic hillsides and ridges surrounding <br /> Pleasanton, and affirm and implement policies that protect hillsides and define housing units <br /> that respect the voter-approved housing cap?" And, with the addition of including "towards the <br /> voter-approved maximum build-out under Section 1.D., and changing the word, "against" to <br /> "toward" in two places on page 2 of 3, on both lines 3 and 4; and support Option B on the ballot <br /> argument, with Vice Mayor Thome and Mayor Hosterman participating in writing the argument <br /> in favor of the Council-sponsored initiative; with Council Cook-Kallio writing the rebuttal. Motion <br /> passed by the following vote: <br /> Ayes: Councilmembers Cook-Kallio, Thome, Mayor Hosterman <br /> Noes: Councilmember McGovern, Sullivan <br /> Absent: None <br /> Motion: It was m/s by Sullivan/McGovern to create a subcommittee of himself and <br /> Councilmember McGovem to write the ballot argument opposing the Council-sponsored <br /> initiative. Motion passed by the following vote: <br /> Ayes: Councilmembers Cook-Kallio, McGovern, Sullivan, Thorne, Mayor Hosterman <br /> Noes: None <br /> Absent: None <br /> Councilmember Sullivan made a motion that the City institute a hillside development moratorium <br /> assuming the Council-sponsored initiative wins and the citizen's initiative is defeated, and hold <br /> off on any future hillside development until the process is complete and adopted, and bring the <br /> item back for Council's consideration. <br /> City Council Minutes 15 July 15, 2008 <br />