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and get it approved before the collaborative process gets done. He said that project will have <br /> the biggest impact to the southeast hills. He would be supportive of Councilmember McGovern's <br /> idea to create a hillside development moratorium until this is done if the Council adopts it. <br /> Similarly, this would include the title of the initiative and he felt it needed to be made clear that <br /> this is a council-sponsored initiative. He also felt the poison pill provisions need to be out in <br /> front. Since this is a major "trust us" proposition, if we are going to ask the community to trust <br /> the Council to do what it says it is going to do, we should give them the opportunity at the end of <br /> the process to vote on it and ratify that policy. <br /> Councilmember Sullivan indicated Councilmember Cook-Kallio suggests Option 4 for the ballot <br /> question. It states, "Shall adopted that would preserve all scenic hillsides and ridges <br /> surrounding Pleasanton" and he felt this was a misleading statement because it would create a <br /> policy that would have a goal to do that. <br /> Mayor Hosterman said she heard Councilmember Cook-Kallio's request to strike the word, "all" <br /> and what she envisions is that knolls may or may not be appropriate so the City will need to <br /> define exactly what a hillside is through elevation, and she believed it is a good option. <br /> Vice Mayor Thorne said he would opt for Option 1 as a title, agrees with changing <br /> "management" to "control" initiative, said he was prepared to go with a more lengthy question, <br /> but since the summary route is gone, then both should go the summary route. He would go <br /> along with Option 4, asked that the word "re-affirm" be changed to "implement" because he <br /> does believe this is an action plan and not a plan to do a plan. <br /> Mayor Hosterman suggested using "affirm policies" and not necessarily specify "General Plan", <br /> and she read the revised question, "Shall the (title) be adopted that would preserve scenic <br /> hillsides and ridges surrounding Pleasanton and implement policies that protect hillsides and <br /> define housing units that respects the voter-approved housing cap?" Councilmembers Cook- <br /> Kallio, Vice Mayor Thorne and Mayor Hosterman supported the question. <br /> Councilmember McGovern asked if this was true because you are talking about a plan to <br /> preserve a collaborative process. She cannot say that process will come out and preserve <br /> scenic hills and ridges surrounding Pleasanton and implement policies that protect hillsides and <br /> define housing units. She does not believe this because the city has had a general plan in place <br /> since 1996 that has policies in it, the flexibility word is used, and then we do not protect. <br /> Councilmember Sullivan agreed and felt the statement was misleading. This should say, "...that <br /> has a goal of preserving all scenic hillsides." <br /> City Attorney Roush cautioned the Council with the use of "implement" rather than "affirm or <br /> adopt" because when one looks to Section 3, what the voters are actually being asked to do is <br /> to re-affirm the General Plan policies which do talk about preserving and protecting. This is why <br /> staff had suggested in Option 4, the word "re-affirm" be used as opposed to "implement". Vice <br /> Mayor Thorne questioned if the end result of the process was an ordinance, and City Attorney <br /> Roush said the purpose is to create that, but the actual substantive portion of the initiative <br /> affirms and adopts the existing general plan policies that do talk about preservation and <br /> protection. What the Initiative does is set into motion a process that will look at a number of <br /> things the Council will have identified as things needing to be looked at to further implement <br /> that. <br /> Councilmember Cook-Kallio said this ordinance, as it is written, is very specific about making <br /> sure definitions are there. So, it has more meat in it than the General Plan would. City Attorney <br /> City Council Minutes 14 July 15, 2008 <br />