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Councilmember Cook-Kallio said that MidPen and everyone who touched this project have done an <br /> extraordinary job of identifying the needs of all stakeholders. She agreed that the process has taken <br /> longer than anyone anticipated but said the outcome is exactly what she hoped it would be. She said <br /> she would love to move the staff recommendation, but deferred the honor to Councilmember McGovern <br /> and said she would second the motion. <br /> Councilmember McGovern said this is likely the best outcome she could have envisioned for the two <br /> sites. She said MidPen has done everything asked of them in allowing the principles of agreement to <br /> guide the process and working to provide the broadest perspective of cost and value on each <br /> development approach. She thanked everyone involved, particularly Mr. Bocian and Mr. Fialho, and <br /> moved the staff recommendation. <br /> Councilmember Thorne echoed the Council's thanks and said he is very pleased to support the staff <br /> recommendation. <br /> Councilmember Sullivan concurred. He said he was somewhat surprised by such a wonderful and <br /> agreeable outcome and attributed it to the hard work of the task force. He extended his deepest thanks <br /> to Councilmember McGovern for her work as well. <br /> Mayor Hosterman echoed the comments of the Council. She said she was likely one of the hardest <br /> sells on this project for personal reasons, but that this is an incredible project she is now pleased to <br /> support. <br /> MOTION: It was M/s by McGovern/Cook-Kallio to approve the staff recommendation. Motion carried by <br /> the following vote: <br /> Ayes: Councilmembers Cook-Kallio, McGovern, Sullivan, Thorne, Mayor Hosterman <br /> Noes: None <br /> Absent: None <br /> 11. Information regarding various options for creating a public body for promoting peace related <br /> programs <br /> Mr. Bocian presented the staff report, stating that earlier this fall the Council directed staff to prepare a <br /> set of recommendations relative to what has been called a Peace Commission, put forward primarily by <br /> Mr. Fred Norman. Staff met with Mr. Norman to discuss the primary purposes he envisioned for the <br /> commission. Mr. Norman made it clear that this is not an extension of his anti-war efforts nor does he <br /> see this as a political springboard, but rather as an opportunity to work on a local basis to nurture <br /> concepts of peace and nonviolence with an emphasis on social justice, peaceful conflict resolution, and <br /> anti-bullying. <br /> Mr. Bocian outlined the five options for the Council's consideration: <br /> P <br /> 1. Create a City Commission similar in standing with other City Commissions. Commissions <br /> typically have from 5 to 7 members supported by staff and are subject to all the state laws that <br /> would normally govern such a body. While a commission would elevate the stature of the group <br /> and provide an opportunity for active involvement by the Council, the financial impacts related to <br /> staff and consultant time are significant. <br /> 2. Create an Ad hoc Committee. Committees are limited in term and focus, which would enable <br /> the Council to provide specific direction in terms of programs or the development of <br /> recommendations. However, the focus is likely more narrow than what was proposed by Mr. <br /> Norma and there would still be some costs related to specialized consulting work. <br /> City Council Minutes Page 6 of 12 October 16,-2012 <br />