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3. Facilitate a community round table discussion, similar to those related to energy and affordable <br /> housing. As different members of the community become involved and bring forth ideas, this <br /> could potentially evolve into something that may not be visualized at this point. The City <br /> however, may find itself hard pressed to justify its continued involvement or support in the long <br /> term. <br /> 4. Facilitate creation of a community foundation with a peace-based focus. This would be very <br /> similar in scope to the Community of Character collaborative. The City would provide the legal <br /> and financial resources needed to form the foundation, after which the organization would <br /> function independently and not be associated with the City. As a private entity, it could set its <br /> own agenda, membership, programs and focus, actively engage in fundraising to support its <br /> mission, and potentially expand its programs and message beyond the borders of Pleasanton. <br /> 5. Include a discussion of these options as part of the Council's next priority setting process. Staff <br /> expects that following the upcoming election the Council will wish to engage in this process and <br /> therefore the new Council could take part in developing a work plan around this idea. This would <br /> allow the Council to consider the matter in the context of all other city priorities but does mean <br /> that no immediate action would be taken on the matter. <br /> Mayor Hosterman opened public hearing. <br /> Fred Norman thanked the Council for considering his proposal and said he would be hard pressed to <br /> choose between Options 1 and 4. The first offers strong City support while the fourth offers the freedom <br /> to expand both geographically and intellectually with little interference. He said that Option 2 is a weak <br /> and temporary solution to a permanent issue, Option 3 lacks focus and Option 5 is the same as doing <br /> nothing. <br /> John Carroll said he would very much like to see Council support for Option 4. He said he is a proud <br /> member of Pleasantonians for Peace and believes there are many in the community who feel the need <br /> to do something about the horrors that go on in the world. The fact that it requires minimal financial and <br /> administrative support from the City is an asset and he asked that the Council direct staff to pursue this <br /> option. <br /> Frank Brandes said this is a delicate subject that has the potential to become controversial if not <br /> handled properly. Given the upcoming change in Council makeup, he asked that this Council leave the <br /> decision to the next. <br /> Mayor Hosterman closed the public hearing. <br /> Councilmember Sullivan thanked the Normans for their tireless attempts in asking the Council to take <br /> action. He felt it very appropriate for this Council to consider the matter and thought that passing the <br /> matter on to the next would be rather insulting to Mr. Norman. He found the proposal appropriate and in <br /> keeping with some of the social justice type issues taken up by other City commissions. He said he <br /> understood Mr. Norman's desire to maintain some independence from the City but that he felt this <br /> needed to be a public, not private, function. He said he would support Options 1, 2 or 3. <br /> Councilmember Thorne said this is a difficult issue and, while he appreciates the Normans' dedication, <br /> he could not relate this to the City's overall responsibilities. He expressed concern that this does have <br /> the potential to turn political, despite the intent but said he could support Option 5 and taking a look at <br /> this in the context of the City's other priorities. <br /> Councilmember Cook-Kallio also expressed concern regarding the political undertones. She said that <br /> commissions are created to advise the Council and, while she appreciated the elevated status <br /> City Council Minutes Page 7 of 12 October 16, 2012 <br />
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