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eIYOFI !Ir!.!: <br /> pLEASANTONC <br /> Attachment 1 <br /> MEMORANDUM <br /> Date: March 20, 2012 <br /> To: Councilmembers McGovern and Thome <br /> From: Nelson Fialho, City Manager <br /> Subject: Amended Growth Management Program <br /> SUMMARY <br /> The City has embarked on a process to amend its growth management program to achieve the following <br /> objectives: <br /> 1) Maintain consistency with State Law; <br /> 2) Develop a nexus between City's limited infrastructure such as sewer capacity, water availability, <br /> etc and the future rate of construction for approved development; and <br /> 3) Maintain existing quality-of-life standards for existing residents and businesses. <br /> BACKGROUND <br /> The City utilizes a comprehensive development review process, consistent with its General Plan and <br /> state regulations, that incorporates considerable community and commission review to assure that <br /> proposed development meets community and City Council expectations. Since 1978, one step in the <br /> development process includes implementing the Growth Management Ordinance (GMO) (PMC 17.36) <br /> which provides guidelines for pacing the rate of construction for approved residential developments. <br /> As a reflection of changing conditions, the City's GMO has undergone a number of major and minor <br /> revisions over the years. The most recent change occurred in October 2009 when the GMO was <br /> amended to reflect that the maximum number of building permits would not exceed 350 annually, <br /> except when necessary for the City to meet its Regional Housing Needs Allocation (RHNA). As a result <br /> of this action, the GMO is currently in compliance with State law. <br /> DEVELOPMENT PROCESS <br /> The GMO process commences following approval of a residential development project. As such, it is <br /> not utilized to determine whether a development's location, design, or scope meets city planning <br /> regulations; rather, it is used to establish at what rate and when, an approved development can be <br /> constructed (e.g. when permits can be issued for construction). <br /> Page 1 of 5 <br />