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Councilmember McGovern stated that not in the guidelines is the depth of the live/work units. New retail <br /> in the City is now at 50 feet and she clarified with Mr. Dolan that the proposed depth is 30 feet. Staff <br /> would prefer a deeper retail, and there have been concessions. The new retail spaces at the Safeway <br /> Center are 50 feet which he said is ideal. The applicant initially submitted the plan with 20 feet which <br /> was unacceptable. If made deeper, the internal parking is lost; therefore, the City must decide whether <br /> it can accept this or give up some parking. <br /> Councilmember McGovern voiced concern with the viability and interest of interested retailers, given <br /> the amount of depth and asked for further guidance. Mr. Dolan agreed this has been a struggle, and <br /> staff is still considering what its recommendation will be. <br /> Councilmember Sullivan asked for staff to compare and identify examples and classes of retailers <br /> where 30, 40, and 50 feet have been used successfully. Mr. Dolan noted staff could research this <br /> further but noted there are many examples in town with less than 50 feet. An example is Tully's Coffee, <br /> which is at 30 feet. They have additional depth that goes back at least 10 more feet or more behind the <br /> wall which is storage and work area. He said that if staff conducted a survey, they would arrive at a <br /> variety of depths along Main Street. <br /> Councilmember McGovern reiterated that the Council wanted the project as mixed use and she did not <br /> want to reduce the possibility for retail. <br /> Mr. Dolan then presented the landscape plan and described the ample landscaping around the <br /> perimeter, central open space areas, and along the main entrances, noting that given the size of the <br /> buildings, the applicant has introduced landscaping in every possible area. The way the project is <br /> designed there is a fair amount of garage door on the front bottom floors. They made a good effort to <br /> ensure the garage doors do not face out to the community, but are internal and an effort has been <br /> made to also include small landscape areas to break up the concrete wherever possible. <br /> Mr. Dolan presented a graphic demonstrating the amount of open space. He said there is a 13,000 <br /> square foot plaza out front which serves the retail and is more of an urban space. He described the <br /> ample landscaping and screening from the road and freeway to provide separation from the interior <br /> space, the pool and fitness area, the tot lot area and gathering areas just outside the buildings which <br /> face onto open space. <br /> Councilmember McGovern questioned and confirmed that a noise and air quality study will have been <br /> completed prior to the project returning to the Council. <br /> Mr. Dolan then pointed to a table which demonstrates that the project meets the open space <br /> requirements called for in the guidelines. The plaza is counted as well as the private balconies of each <br /> unit. He presented the internal circulation showing many sidewalks where people will be able to move <br /> throughout the project and get from their buildings to the crossing of Owens to BART. <br /> Councilmember McGovern pointed to the trail connection maps Mr. Dolan is presenting and said they <br /> indicate "to be done by others". She asked whether this work would parallel with the construction of the <br /> project. She referred to safety issues, walkability and bike-ability, voiced the need to ensure the City is <br /> not creating islands for periods of time because trail systems are not yet connected, and questioned the <br /> status of different funding mechanisms. Mr. Dolan directed her to two notations on the plan; one for Site <br /> 1 and one for Site 2 that make reference to connection to the Iron Horse Trail to be done by others. <br /> One will cross Owens to BART; this is part of the Iron Horse Trail project. EBRPD grant monies will be <br /> funding that and BRE will not be responsible for that particular crossing. For the trail between the <br /> project and Kaiser, staff has asked BRE to dedicate 10 feet in the hopes it will become a larger right-of- <br /> way with a full dimension of what the Iron Horse Trail would look like. While there is no final <br /> City Council Planning Commission Page 2 of 11 February 8, 2012 <br /> Joint Workshop Minutes <br />