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3/28/2012 4:44:06 PM
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3/28/2012 4:44:03 PM
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commitment, staff anticipates some projects to be developed in that parking area and hopes to be able <br /> to work something out with Kaiser. <br /> Mr. Dolan stated that in light of the fact that they do not know the final outcome of what that trail will be, <br /> it doesn't make sense to build it and then tear it out and rebuild it when it ends up half-constructed on <br /> the other property. He said staff has discussed with Kaiser the possibility of setting aside some money <br /> to contribute to that project but this has not been negotiated. There were also some grant sources <br /> which were forwarded to the Council today; however, some require the City to have a certified Housing <br /> Element, which he said will be a challenge over the next several months. However, others do not and <br /> the area will not be left as dirt in the interim. The landscape plan includes a row of trees and there will <br /> be some sort of semi-permanent surface even if it is turf for the short term. <br /> Councilmember McGovern questioned and confirmed that those living in the project will ultimately be <br /> able to connect with each other and to the BART station in the Hacienda Business Park. Mr. Dolan <br /> noted there is a segment between the two projects where others will need to cooperate, and staff's <br /> hope is that the segment will be filled in through discussions with Kaiser. He commented that this would <br /> work out perfectly if Shaklee would provide a 10 foot easement, although they are not coming in with <br /> any development and the City would have to request this. Councilmember McGovern clarified with Mr. <br /> Dolan that staff has been working with Kaiser and is optimistic the issue can be resolved. <br /> • PUD-81-30-86D: Application for a PUD (Planned Unit Development) Development Plan to <br /> construct a high-density residential development containing 247 residential units and four <br /> live/work units at the property located at the northern corner of Gibraltar Drive and Hacienda <br /> Drive <br /> Mr. Dolan explained that Site 2 is in the Hacienda Business Park as well, is nearby large buildings, is <br /> not far from the other site, and also has one frontage across Hacienda where there is existing <br /> residential development. He presented a slide of the site's internal open space, and described the <br /> project as 10 residential buildings with a total of 247 residential units, 4 live/work units, a fitness center, <br /> club house and leasing office. The architecture is somewhat different with a more residential feel <br /> because of its proximity to residential which is carried throughout the project. <br /> Mr. Dolan presented the site plan and said almost all buildings are three stories along Hacienda which <br /> is one story higher than across the street. However, there is necessity to go above the two stories to <br /> achieve the density required. He said the open space is in the middle of the project and there are three, <br /> four-story buildings which are located away from the residential, with two buildings located in the rear of <br /> the project. <br /> Mr. Dolan said he was not sure whether one would perceive all of the volume from Gibraltar or <br /> Hacienda and pointed out the two entrances to the project; one from Hacienda and the main one on <br /> Gibraltar. On the corner are the live/work units that could ultimately transition to retail. There is an <br /> exception requested here; the guidelines said that 50% of the frontage of Gibraltar was supposed to be <br /> in live/work units and this is shy of that standard. Staff did not necessarily realize the frontage would be <br /> reduced with the inclusion of a .55 acre public park, and how the guideline is applied to a reduced <br /> frontage is something staff needs to work through. But, it is a request for an exception. If the City were <br /> to comply with the letter of the law, the live/work would have to be added to the second building along <br /> Gibraltar. <br /> Councilmember Sullivan asked and confirmed that the project includes the narrowing of Owens and <br /> Gibraltar and new configuration of parking and islands. He also questioned whether the developer was <br /> paying for this as part of the project, and Mr. Dolan explained that the City will be asking the developer <br /> to pay for everything that happens on their side of the median on Owens Drive. The narrowing will not <br /> occur on the other side until BART comes forward. On Gibraltar, it is the same way; the City ends up <br /> City Council Planning Commission Page 3 of 11 February 8,2012 <br /> Joint Workshop Minutes <br />
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