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screening. The applicant shall select landscaping species subject to the review <br /> and approval of the Director of Community Development. The landscaping <br /> screening shall be evergreen, fast-growing, and have minimal leaf and fruit litter. <br /> The Director of Community Development shall consult with the City Landscape <br /> Architect or other resources as necessary to determine the appropriateness of <br /> the proposed alternative screening materials. <br /> 10. The applicant shall add a belly-band to the exterior of the home. The plans <br /> submitted to the Building and Safety Division for building permit plan check shall <br /> show this modification. <br /> 11. The applicant shall modify the project plans to show a hipped roof over the first- <br /> story portion in the northeastern corner of the home. The plans submitted to the <br /> Building and Safety Division for building permit plan check shall show this <br /> modification. <br /> 12. The applicants may install a roof over the front entry door/porch. If the applicants <br /> decide to install the roof, it shall be submitted in conjunction with the plans <br /> submitted for issuance of building permits for the addition and shall be subject to <br /> the review and approval of the Director of Community Development prior to <br /> issuance of building permits for the project. <br /> 13. To the extent permitted by law, the project applicant shall defend (with counsel <br /> reasonable acceptable to the City), indemnify and hold harmless the City, its City <br /> Council, its officers, boards, commissions, employees, and agents from and <br /> against any claim (including claims for attorneys fees), action, or proceeding <br /> brought by a third party against the indemnified parties and the applicant to <br /> attack, set aside, or void the approval of the project or any permit authorized <br /> hereby for the project, including (without limitation) reimbursing the City its <br /> attorneys fees and costs incurred in defense of the litigation. The City may, in its <br /> sole discretion, elect to defend any such action with attorneys of its choice. <br /> 14. All conditions of approval for this case shall be reprinted and included as a plan <br /> sheet(s) with the building permit plan check sets submitted for review and <br /> approval. At all times these conditions of approval shall be on all grading and <br /> construction plans kept on the project site. <br /> {end} <br /> 4 <br />