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MINIMUM <br /> SIZE LOCATION HEIGHT AND <br /> SPREAD AT <br /> MATURITY <br /> Growth Rate: Moderate; Approximately 8 to 9 years to reach 20-feet in height <br /> Minimum 24-inch <br /> Cupressocyparis box size Subject to the 20-foot <br /> Director of height; <br /> leylandii minimum <br /> 9 to 11 feet in approximately 15- <br /> (Leyland False Community <br /> height at time of foot canopy spread <br /> Cypress) planting with 3 to 4 Development of each tree <br /> foot spread <br /> Characteristics: Long, slender, upright branches. Young trees have pyramidal <br /> form. Evergreen. <br /> Growth Rate: Very fast growing; Approximately 5 to 6 years to reach 20-feet in <br /> height <br /> Minimum 24-inch 20-foot minimum <br /> box size Subject to the height; <br /> Pittosporum 2 to 3 feet in height Director of approximately 10 <br /> eugenioides Community to 15-foot canopy <br /> at time of planting Development spread of each <br /> with 2 to 3 foot tree <br /> spread <br /> Characteristics: Tall-growing shrub or small tree. Excellent for screens or as a <br /> background plant. Evergreen. <br /> Growth Rate: Moderate; Approximately 8 to 9 years to reach 20-feet in height <br /> 8. In order to allow for additional sunlight in the Perry residence, the applicants shall <br /> provide payment for the cost to purchase and install one skylight in the front <br /> room of the Perry residence. The amount of the payment shall be determined by <br /> the lowest of three bids obtained by the Perrys for the time and materials of a <br /> licensed contractor to complete the installation of the skylight. The funds shall be <br /> provided to Joe and TinaMarie Perry by Rodney and Trina Lopez within <br /> 30 calendar days of receiving all three bids. The cost shall not exceed <br /> $2,500.00. <br /> 9. Within 45 days of the effective date of an approval for Case PADR-2090, the <br /> applicant shall plant landscape screening near the northeastern front corner of <br /> the subject home with the objective of addressing visual concerns from neighbors <br /> to the east. The plans submitted to the Building and Safety Division for building <br /> permit plan check shall be modified to show said landscape screening. The <br /> applicant shall maintain all landscape screening in good condition so as to <br /> present a healthy and orderly appearance and shall immediately replace any <br /> landscape screening materials that become dilapidated or cease to provide <br /> 3 <br />