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Mayor Hosterman opened the public hearing. <br /> December Lotz, Bacon Court, said they are the 16th two-story proposal with a similar <br /> situation. No neighbors have voiced rejection to their plans and she asked the Council <br /> to be upfront with the Lopez's. <br /> Johann Keyser spoke of her need to build an addition for her mother and she cannot <br /> believe the neighbors have acted this way. <br /> Glen Bunting, Echo Court, supported the Lopez family and likened his situation to the <br /> Lopez's. <br /> Rob Nath spoke of his family's decision to return to town and purchase their old <br /> neighbors two-story house on Rosalyn Court, and said neighborhood animosity is <br /> unfortunate. <br /> James Hvidt, Audrey Court, voiced support of the Lopez's project and testified to their <br /> good character. <br /> Margaret Bartlett said she has lived next to the Lopez's for 35 years, supported the <br /> project, believes whatever shade is received at the Perry's will be welcomed because it <br /> is very hot from the sun and there will be no privacy issues. <br /> Helen Sullivant, Alma Court, supported the Lopez's addition, is surprised that the issue I <br /> s still on-going since there are already 15 two-story homes, and encouraged the Council <br /> to support approval. <br /> Judy Trenge, said she lives next to the two-story home on Crest Court, voiced support <br /> of the Lopez's addition and the good neighbors there. <br /> Kim Nereid, Homer Way, said both the Lopez's and the Perry's are great neighbors, <br /> said it is unfortunate the neighbors are not agreeable, and thinks it is the Lopez's right to <br /> have a second story home, as there are already 15 that exist, and if denied, it would <br /> negatively affect her property value. <br /> Marthel Green, Bacon Court, said the situation is unfortunate and supported the Lopez's <br /> ability to build the addition. <br /> David Persin, appellant, spoke most strongly for the Perry's who stand to have the most <br /> impact, and they have asked pushing back the front of the building where it does not <br /> impact the front window as it does right now. He asked for compromise. <br /> Mayor Hosterman closed the public hearing. She said appeals do occur and matters <br /> like this take long, and she recognized the parties' work to achieve acceptance and <br /> compromise. She felt the way the Lopez's configured their addition is in the middle of <br /> EXCERPT: CITY COUNCIL MINUTES, February 15, 2011 Page 4 of 6 <br />