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homes' square footage and FAR. He said all mitigations and changes have added <br /> thousands to their budget, and while passionate concerns have been raised, their home <br /> addition is well designed that will add value to the neighborhood. He said the home is in <br /> compliance with all zoning codes, they meet or exceed all requirements for setbacks, <br /> height and FAR, and are requesting no variances. They have given several concessions <br /> to plant trees on the south side of the property, the bathroom windows will be reduced in <br /> size and raised overhead to address privacy, the single south facing bedroom window <br /> will be reduced in size, since there are no proposed windows on the second floor east <br /> side, there will be no privacy concerns for the Perry family, and they have given up <br /> Saturday construction work. They have tried to sit down with neighbors which he <br /> discussed as being initially rejected. He agreed they initially rejected mediation, but in <br /> October, met and offered several resolutions to arguments, which were all rejected. He <br /> presented an array slides showing views of the revised proposal from neighbor's homes <br /> which he said all address privacy, noise, light, and views. They regret plans have <br /> caused concerns, but believe that any stated negative impacts do not warrant <br /> preventing them the ability to enhance their property under established zoning <br /> guidelines. The appellants have verbally stated they will make the process last as long <br /> as possible, which they have succeeded in what is now approaching one year build <br /> season. He asked the Council take into consideration the expertise, professionalism, <br /> and approval of the Planning Department and Planning Commission decision, and the <br /> many letters of support in the community. There is precedence of 15 other two story <br /> homes and several are located in a cul-de-sac as well as one that is in the process of <br /> obtaining their building permit, which was approved with a setback variance without <br /> objection. They have offered many concessions, have spent two months in mediation, <br /> and feel they have always been responsible and have maintained their integrity <br /> throughout the process and requested the Council render a decision denying the appeal <br /> and upholding the original approval of their case with no additional requirements, or <br /> Option 2 in the packet. He clarified remaining issues regarding setbacks, videotaping <br /> and incidents, their offer to show their plans and arrange a visit with Councilmembers. <br /> Mayor Hosterman and Councilmember Cook-Kallio indicated they both drove by the <br /> property. <br /> Mr. Lopez also indicated that the belly band and the hip roofs were rejected by the <br /> appellants and this is why they did not show them in the pictures. However, he took a <br /> picture of a home down the street with a belly band and hip and gabled roof. <br /> Vice-Mayor Cook-Kallio referred to page 8, Figure 5, #7 at 6895 Heath Court that has <br /> 1030 square feet in a cul-de-sac and asked if this was similar in terms of shape and <br /> design of the lot. <br /> Mr. Dolan said it is a similar shaped lot, but staff does not have a graphic of how the <br /> property lines up to the rear of it. <br /> Councilmember Sullivan did not believe it was a similar situation, as it was a <br /> 9400-square-foot lot and at 26% FAR versus 40% FAR with a 6,000 square foot lot. <br /> EXCERPT: CITY COUNCIL MINUTES, February 15, 2011 Page 3 of 6 <br />