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EXHIBIT A <br /> CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL <br /> PADR-2090, Rodney and Trina Lopez <br /> 6114 Homer Court <br /> February 15, 2011 <br /> 1. Except as modified by these conditions, the additions shall conform substantially <br /> to the elevations, site plans and other materials, marked Exhibit B, dated <br /> "Received June 8, 2010," on file at the Planning Division. Minor changes to the <br /> plans may be allowed subject to the approval of the Director of Community <br /> Development if found to be in substantial conformance to the approved exhibits. <br /> 2. The colors and materials of the additions shall match those of the existing <br /> structure. <br /> 3. All demolition and construction activities, inspections, plan checking, material <br /> delivery, staff assignment or coordination, et cetera, shall be limited to the hours <br /> of 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. No construction shall be <br /> allowed on State or Federal Holidays, Saturdays, or Sundays. The Director of <br /> Community Development may allow earlier "start-times" or later "stop-times" for <br /> specific construction activities (e.g., concrete pouring), if it can be demonstrated <br /> to the satisfaction of the Director of Community Development that the <br /> construction noise and construction traffic noise will not affect nearby residents or <br /> businesses. All construction equipment must meet Department of Motor <br /> Vehicles (DMV) noise standards and shall be equipped with muffling devices. <br /> Prior to construction, the applicant shall post on the site the allowable hours of <br /> construction activity. <br /> 4. All appropriate City permits shall be obtained prior to the construction of the <br /> additions. <br /> 5. The plans submitted to the Building and Safety Division for building permit plan <br /> check shall show the following modifications to the two second-story bathroom <br /> windows on the rear elevation: <br /> (1) the windows shall be a smaller size and shall be wider than they are <br /> taller (approximately 12 to 14 inches tall by approximately 24 to <br /> 36 inches wide), and be horizontal slider windows; and <br /> (2) the bottom of these windows shall be a minimum of 5.5 feet (6 feet if <br /> found to be feasible upon completion of construction drawings) above <br /> the finished floor. <br /> 6. The plans submitted to the Building and Safety Division for building permit plan <br /> check shall show the following modification to the second-story bedroom window <br /> 1 <br />