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Alameda CTC Mass Transit Program Implementation Guidelines <br /> requirements, definitions of terms, evaluation criteria, award details, and <br /> monitoring requirements. <br /> Section 6. Advancement of Pass-through Funds <br /> A. The Alameda CTC may consider advancing future year pass-through funds, with the goal <br /> of seeing improvements made in the near term. If a jurisdiction is interested in this option, <br /> a written request to the Alameda CTC Director of Finance and a copy to the Deputy <br /> Director of Projects and Programs, indicating the amount of funds requested and the <br /> projects on which the funds will be spent, is required. Requests will be considered on an <br /> individual basis. <br /> Section 7. Adoption of Implementation Guidelines <br /> A. Implementation Guidelines are adopted by the Alameda CTC on an as-needed basis. <br /> Changes to Implementation Guidelines will be brought through the Alameda CTC's <br /> Technical Advisory Committee for review and comment, as well as any other <br /> Alameda CTC committees as necessary, before changes are adopted by the Alameda CTC <br /> Board. <br />