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Mr. Smith noted that in its January 6, 2012 letter, BAAQMD agreed with the changes <br /> made in the CAP and indicated that the City has the requirements of a qualified CAP. <br /> He requested the Commission, based on that letter and the changes listed in Exhibit B, <br /> to recommend to the City Council to amend the General Plan Air Quality and Climate <br /> Change Element to adopt the Climate Action Plan by reference. He added that after <br /> Council certifies and adopts the Plan, staff will be prioritizing some of the short-term, <br /> mid-term and long-term goals and will continue the community program that staff has <br /> been involved with the last few years. <br /> Commissioner Blank stated that he was pleased with the revised draft. <br /> Commissioner Narum agreed. She stated that she thinks it is a really complete <br /> document and that it makes sense. <br /> Chair Pentin told Mr. Smith that he did a good job. <br /> Mr. Smith stated that he appreciated the comment but that it was a team effort; Planning <br /> and a lot of the Operations Services staff were involved in this. <br /> Mr. Dolan stated that from the Planning perspective, the best thing about this is the fact <br /> that, as Mr. Smith addressed in his presentation, instead of every project that comes <br /> forward having to do a greenhouse gas analysis, this Plan gives Planning the clearance, <br /> and all staff has to do is evaluate the project for consistency with this Plan, and this is a <br /> great thing for applicants because it relieves them of that obligation and saves them a <br /> lot of time and money. <br /> Commissioner Blank stated that staff needs to figure out a way to communicate that to <br /> the development community, especially since there seems to be such little good news <br /> these days for developers. <br /> Commissioner Olson agreed this was a good idea. <br /> Commissioner Blank noted that City staff has really done a great job and deserve a lot <br /> of credit because of the quality of that work and there is relief. <br /> Commissioner Narum noted that it goes a little bit along the streamlining efforts of the <br /> Customer Service Review Team (CSRT) which included Peter MacDonald and Pamela <br /> Hardy. <br /> THE PUBLIC HEARING WAS OPENED. <br /> There were no speakers. <br /> THE PUBLIC HEARING WAS CLOSED. <br /> DRAFT EXCERPT: PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES, 1/11/2012 Page 3 of 4 <br />