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ATTACHMENT 5 <br /> P11-0997, City of Pleasanton <br /> Recommend approval to the City Council of an amendment to the City of <br /> Pleasanton General Plan Air Quality and Climate Change Element to adopt a <br /> Climate Action Plan by reference. <br /> Ms. Stern stated that Daniel Smith, Operations Services Director, will be presenting the <br /> staff report regarding the Climate Action Plan. She indicated that what the Planning <br /> Commission is specifically being asked to do tonight is to consider a General Plan <br /> Amendment to the City of Pleasanton General Plan Air Quality and Climate Change <br /> Element to adopt a Climate Action Plan by reference. She advised that the proposed <br /> wording changes are contained in Exhibit B of the staff report. <br /> Daniel Smith stated that similar to the Housing Element, the Climate Action Plan (CAP) <br /> is close to the finish line and getting ready to go back to Council with the final draft. He <br /> noted that there really have not been many technical changes in this Plan, which is the <br /> final formatted version, from when the Commission first considered in as a draft. He <br /> added that the changes are more cosmetic, and his goal tonight is not to go back <br /> through what he went through with the Commission the last time, but specifically to <br /> identify what the changes are before the Commission makes its recommendation to the <br /> City Council. <br /> Chair Pentin noted that he does not see a copy of the Plan in any of the <br /> Commissioners' hands and, therefore, thinks that all the Commissioners have agreed to <br /> the pdf version online. He stated that he thinks this is a good step in the right direction <br /> for the CAP and thanked the Commissioners for that. <br /> Mr. Smith started with an overview of what he wanted to talk about tonight. He stated <br /> that during the Supplemental Environmental Impact Report (SEIR) process, the draft <br /> CAP went to the Bay Area Air Quality Management District (BAAQMD) for its review <br /> and, as a good regulator, came back with a comment letter asking the City to do more <br /> than what was in the Plan. He noted that staff had been working closely with the District <br /> and with its representatives, made some CAP adjustments. <br /> Mr. Smith then proceeded to give a summary of the BAAQMD comments and the <br /> changes made to the Plan. He noted that staff had anticipated that the District may ask <br /> to revise or strengthen some of the things that were in the Plan, and staff had saved <br /> some elements that were not included in the Plan in the event that this occurred. He <br /> stated that the District asked for four revisions: <br /> 1. Distribute the potential greenhouse gas (GHG) reductions from Community <br /> Engagement to the appropriate sector. Quite a few of the elements were <br /> included in outreach and education, and the District felt more comfortable about <br /> putting them in more of the traditional categories, even though it felt the scientific <br /> backup was credible and the strategies viable. <br /> DRAFT EXCERPT: PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES, 1/11/2012 Page 1 of 4 <br />