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in the Housing Element to expand the inventory of land available for the development of new <br /> housing within the City. To expand the inventory of land available for the development of new <br /> housing, Pleasanton will be rezoning several of the sites identified in Table 1 and corresponding <br /> Figure 1 below, sufficient to meet Pleasanton's remaining unmet housing need, or approximately <br /> 55 acres of land zoned at a minimum of 30 units per acre and 14 acres of land zoned for a <br /> minimum of 23 units per acre. Similarly, with the adoption of the Housing Element, the Land <br /> Use Element of the General Plan will be amended to address the land use designation changes <br /> needed for the new housing sites. It is also anticipated that some of the sites shown in Table 1 <br /> and Figure 1 will be rezoned to allow for mixed-use development. The final inventory of sites <br /> for rezoning to allow high-density-residential development and/or mixed-use development has <br /> not been approved by the Pleasanton City Council. The draft maximum development potential <br /> for sites 1-21 is shown in Table 3 (below). <br /> The scope of the Housing Element Update also includes 3 sites in Hacienda (sites 22-24 in <br /> Table 2 and Figure 2 below) which were rezoned in November 2009, after the adoption of the <br /> Pleasanton General Plan, to expand the inventory of land available for housing. After the <br /> rezoning, Hacienda Transit Oriented Development (TOD) standards and Design Guidelines <br /> and a corresponding mitigated negative declaration were approved in February 2011 for these <br /> sites. Page 33 of the approved mitigated negative declaration for the Hacienda TOD Standards <br /> and Design Guidelines states: "If future residential development of these sites were to exceed <br /> 500 units, they may be subject to a requirement to complete a Water Supply Assessment." <br /> This WSA addresses this requirement. The maximum development potential for sites 22-24 is <br /> shown in Table 3. <br /> For the purpose of this WSA, the 2007-2014 Housing Element Update, the corresponding <br /> General Plan land use redesignations, the corresponding rezonings, and the 3 sites in Hacienda <br /> which were rezoned in November 2009 to expand the inventory of land available for housing <br /> are herein referred to as the "Housing Element Update Project". <br /> Regular updates of the Housing Element are required of each city and county in the State of <br /> California to address the housing needs of all residents and all income levels. The current <br /> requirement for cities and counties within the San Francisco Bay Area is to have an updated <br /> Housing Element addressing needs over the current planning period (2007-2014). The City's <br /> previous Housing Element for the 2000-2005 planning period was adopted in April 2003. <br /> Draft Water Supply Assessment—Updated November 2011 <br /> Page 2 of 17 <br />