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5.Responses to Comments at the Public Hearing on the Draft EIR <br /> making bodies during project development review. The mitigation in the Draft SEIR, including <br /> the HABS/HAER documentation,would not limit the input the City will have on the potential <br /> loss of a historic resource,but is intended to lessen the potential loss of a historic resource <br /> through adopted industry practices. <br /> Planning Commissioner Phil Blank <br /> Comment: Questions whether or not taking a picture of a historical resource and subsequently <br /> removing that resource was an adequate mitigation. <br /> Response: Although the recording of a historic structure would eliminate one adverse impact <br /> of demolition(the loss of historical information),it would not prevent the physical loss of a <br /> historically significant resource. HABS, HAER and Historic American Landscapes Survey <br /> (HALS)are programs of the National Park Service aimed at creating a detailed record of <br /> historical buildings and structures. HABS/HAER recordation can include architectural <br /> drawings, large format photography in accordance with HABS/HAER specifications, <br /> historical research, and written reports in both short format and outline format. This form of <br /> mitigation is standardized, and although it would not reduce the impact of the physical loss, <br /> it does provide record. The physical loss of a historic structure would remain a significant <br /> and unavoidable impact. <br /> Comment: Concern that someone may interpret the mitigation for historical resources to mean that <br /> it is okay to remove a historical resource without future discretionary review. <br /> Response: As stated on page 4.0-15 of the Draft SEIR and page 2-5 of the Final SEIR, a <br /> project applicant for Sites 6 and 21 would be required to implement Mitigation Measure <br /> 4.D-1 b if a structure on site is determined to be historically significant. Recording would <br /> ensure a permanent record of the present appearance and context of the historical resources. <br /> Under this mitigation proposal,the project applicant would ensure that the historical resources <br /> to be demolished would be recorded to HABS/HAER standards prior to any construction <br /> activities. The HABS/HAER documentation would be filed with the State Historic Preservation <br /> Officer(SHPO),the HABS/HAER collection in the Library of Congress,the University of <br /> California Bancroft Library,the Planning Division,and the City of Pleasanton Library. <br /> As noted above,although recording of a structure would eliminate one adverse impact of <br /> demolition(the loss of historical information),it does not prevent the physical loss of a <br /> historically significant resource. A proposed project would be required to undergo design <br /> review during the project application phase.The City Council would determine whether or not <br /> the physical historic resource would be preserved as part of the decision made on a site-specific <br /> development proposal. <br /> Design features and conditions of approval could also be established at the time of project <br /> review. Depending on the findings of the historic evaluation,additional conditional of <br /> approval could include: <br /> • Architectural Resource Interpretive Display and/or Interpretive Material. The project <br /> applicant would develop a display or interpretive material for public exhibition and <br /> General Plan Amendment and Rezonings 5-2 ESA 1210016 <br /> Final Supplemental Environmental Impact Report December2011 <br />