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4.Written Comments on the Draft EIR and Responses to Comments <br /> Letter 10. RREEF <br /> (Catherine Minor, Vice President) <br /> 10-1 The comment requests that Impact 4.0-2 on page 4.0-32 of the Draft SEIR be updated to <br /> reflect the project scenario of 336 multi-family units. <br /> The text on page 4.0-32, second full sentence under Impact 4.0-2 of the Draft SEIR is <br /> revised as follows: <br /> However, Arroyo Mocho, Tassajara Creek and Arroyo del Valle run through the Planning <br /> Area and the following potential sites for rezoning are adjacent to these watercourses: <br /> Site 6 (Irby-Kaplan-Zia), • . _.: . . • .! .• ; Site 8 (Auf de Maur/ <br /> Richenback), . ... _ • ; and Site 21(4202 Stanley),which <br /> . • . , are adjacent to Arroyo del Valle. Site 6 (Irby-Kaplan-Zia) <br /> and Site 21 (4202 Stanley) include a portion of the Arroyo del Valle riparian corridor <br /> with a Wildlands Overlay land use designation. Site 13 (CM Capital Properties);which <br /> ... . . is adjacent to Arroyo Mocho; and Site 10 (CarrAmerica); <br /> , and Site 9(Nearon Site);which-proposes-to <br /> construct 168 units, are adjacent to Tassajara Creek. Site 20 (Sunol Blvd. and Sycamore <br /> Rd.); a ::: . -. . - , is adjacent to the historical channel of <br /> Sycamore Creek(Sowers and Richard, 2003). <br /> 10-2 The comment describes that Alternatives 1, 2,and 3 of the Draft SEIR should be updated <br /> to reflect the project scenario of 336 multi-family units. The project analyzed as the <br /> proposed project on Site 10 was 336 units and under the alternative scenarios was 242 <br /> units. Therefore, no change to Table 5-1 is required. <br /> 10-3 The comment notes that Appendix D, Attachment A, Housing Element Changes should <br /> update the project scenario from 252 multi-family units to 336 multi-family units. Please <br /> see the updated Traffic Analysis Land Use Assumptions in Appendix A which show the <br /> project for Site 10 at 336 units. The land use assumptions for each of the alternative to the <br /> project for the site under the Draft SEIR reflect the best available information at the time <br /> of the analysis. <br /> Alternative 4, Increased Density, was found to, like the proposed project, improve the <br /> three intersections operating at LOS E in the a.m. peak hour(Bernal Avenue/Valley <br /> Avenue,Junipero Street/Sunol Boulevard, and Stanely Boulevard/El Charro Road) to <br /> LOS D and no intersections would degrade from acceptable to unacceptable conditions. <br /> As Alternative 4 looked as the maximum build out of the all of the potential sites for <br /> rezoning, it can safety be assumed that the increase in dwelling units under Alternatives <br /> 1-3 on Site 10 would similarly have a less than significant impact on local intersections. <br /> General Plan Amendment and Rezonings 4-36 ESA 1 210010 <br /> Final Supplemental Environmental Impact Report December 2011 <br />