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4.0-1b: Pre-Construction Bat Surveys. Conditions of approval for building and <br /> grading permits issued for demolition and construction on Sites 6, 8, 9, 10, 13, <br /> 20, and 21 shall include a requirement for pre-construction special-status bat <br /> surveys when large trees are to be removed or underutilized or vacant buildings <br /> are to be demolished. If active day or night roosts are found, the bat biologist <br /> shall take actions to make such roosts unsuitable habitat prior to tree removal or <br /> building demolition. A no-disturbance buffer of 100 feet shall be created around <br /> active bat roosts being used for maternity or hibernation purposes. Bat roosts <br /> initiated during construction are presumed to be unaffected, and no buffer would <br /> be necessary. <br /> Site(s) affected: Sites 6, 8, 9, 10, 13, 20, 21 <br /> 4.0-1c: Burrowing Owl Surveys. Conditions of approval for building and grading <br /> permits at Site 18 and Site 20 shall require the project applicant to implement the <br /> following measures prior to construction initiation. <br /> A qualified biologist shall conduct a combined Phase I and Phase II burrowing <br /> owl habitat assessment and burrow survey according to accepted guidelines <br /> developed by the Burrowing Owl Consortium and accepted by CDFG. If suitable <br /> habitat, i.e. grasslands with short cover and burrows of a size usable by owls <br /> and/or owl sign, is not present at a site then the qualified biologist shall prepare a <br /> written report to be submitted to CDFG stating the reasons why the site is not <br /> considered to be burrowing owl habitat and no further surveys or mitigation are <br /> necessary. <br /> If the Phase I and II surveys find that suitable habitat and burrows are present at <br /> a site the qualified biologist will conduct Phase III surveys to determine presence <br /> or absence of burrowing owls. A minimum of four surveys will be conducted <br /> during the breeding season (April 15 to July 15). If owls are not observed then a <br /> minimum of four surveys will be conducted during the wintering season. If owls <br /> are not observed during either Phase III survey then no further mitigation is <br /> generally required, although CDFG may require pre-construction surveys. In <br /> either case a Phase IV survey report shall be prepared and submitted to CDFG. <br /> If required, pre-construction surveys for burrowing owl shall be conducted as <br /> follows: <br /> A qualified biologist shall conduct a pre-construction survey for burrowing owl if <br /> construction occurs during the breeding season (February 1 through August 31). <br /> Surveyors shall walk transects no more than 100 feet apart to attain 100 percent <br /> visual coverage of all grassland habitats within the project site. Where possible, <br /> agricultural or grassland habitats within 300 feet of the project site shall also be <br /> surveyed. If owls are not detected during this survey, project work can move <br /> forward as proposed. <br /> If owls are detected during this survey, no project activities shall occur within 250 <br /> feet of occupied burrows until the breeding season is over, unless owls have not <br /> begun laying eggs or juveniles are capable of independent survival. <br />